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Author Topic: Question about the Copperhead  (Read 2679 times)


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Question about the Copperhead
« on: February 04, 2009, 11:10:47 AM »
Color has never been an issue with me, but the one's my pro shop have in stock have white splashed all over them with most having it dominate almost one side of the ball. White is just one color that shouldn't be on a bowling ball. Some white swirl wouldn't be bad. Is this just the batch he got and would ordering one be different. Love the PK18 but just might have to dull up an Avalanche Solid and lean more toward a Maxx Zone. Like I said color has never bother me, but these things are just(or maybe it's just that I bought my ex-fiancee a white ball before she took me to the cleaners and the site of white makes me want to puke lol)
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Edited on 2/4/2009 8:15 PM



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Re: Question about the Copperhead
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2009, 07:16:15 PM »
It is most likely a batch issue. Most of the ones I have seen have little to no white on them. There is no gurantee of colour when ordering a ball. If you don't want to risk it an Avalanche solid drilled strong with a bit of surface may be the better way to go. The copperhead is a pretty decent ball o I wouldn't be too quick to move from that choice. You can ask your proshop to order one and ask if they can make sure there is very little white.
Jason K
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Re: Question about the Copperhead
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2009, 07:40:46 PM »
Figured it was probably the batch. Always like to help my pro shop with instock inventory. Can't wait to try this baby out(after he orders me a new one ofcourse!)
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Re: Question about the Copperhead
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2009, 08:09:38 PM »
I could handle any color no matter how ugly except white! Like I said earlier the white has more to do with me and not Brunswick. How good a product is has nothing to do with color, and PK18 is one of the best coverstocks ever produced.
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Re: Question about the Copperhead
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2009, 07:41:00 AM »
I have seen a Copperhead on which the 3 colors were totally mixed up to a brownish goo on just one half of the ball, no color separation whatsoever, just some swirls. REALLY ugly.
Funny thing was/is, that the other half (the pin's side) looked nice, with the 3 colors clearly separated. I think it is just a pouring issue, maybe the pressure in the resin tubes used for pouring were not even.
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Re: Question about the Copperhead
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2009, 09:28:24 AM »
I could handle any color no matter how ugly except white! Like I said earlier the white has more to do with me and not Brunswick. How good a product is has nothing to do with color, and PK18 is one of the best coverstocks ever produced.
"I don't want to be remembered, I want to be forgotten"

Theoretically, the color DOES have something to do with the way the balls hooks, probably the friction level. It was learned a while back that lighter colors seems to have less friction and darker colors seem to have more. So Dark blue, purple and black balls seems to hook slightly earlier and reds, yellows, and, I'd guess, whites hook slightly later and less. The difference is much, much less than the word, "slightly", brings to mind, though.

Since the darker color on the CH is a bronze or brown, it's not a lot darker than the white, but your desire for less white may be a good thing. But it won't be a make or break factor except in the desirablity of the color for you.

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Re: Question about the Copperhead
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2009, 08:13:53 PM »
I know a guy who has a Blue Copperhead... Yes, a Blue Copperhead, it is a light and dark blue swirl.  And i am 100% positive it is not a rattler..  It looks reallllly cool
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Re: Question about the Copperhead
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2009, 09:50:58 PM »
My Copperhead is blue also.