Ok Strider thx for that statement. I will try to explain as best I can. My Punisher was drilled the same way as my Messanger and I use them both on Dry conditions when I compared the two before I sold the punisher.
The messanger will come back to pocket with a huge backend when I throw at my comfortable speed(which is pretty hard considering im only 160lbs and im 5'8'' but im told I throw very hard). The punisher when thrown the same by me in the same conditions still was skating down the lane to far and hitting right of the pocket and most times not even hitting the headpin. I dont like to have to slow my speed down just to hit pocket with a ball which is what the punisher made me do quite a bit. Now if that doesnt amke sense I cant say anything else cuz thats whats happening with me.
Now I sold it to my left handed friend who throw softer than me and and has alot less revs than me but he gets great backend with the punisher that I cant get. Works for him and not fo me I guess.
Moving on just to try to make it clearer. I dont think im your avrg young 2 finger bowler. I dont stand on the far elft side and swing the ball out to the gutter and bring it back. I stand in the middle or a bit right of middle depending on balla dn conditions. My avrg is around 190 right now but Ive been struggling with only 1 ball which happends to be a dry lane ball.
I recently tried out the Big One, Scorchin Inferno, Paradigm, Absolute Inferno, Strike Zone and the Vapor Zone.
Each I used for one game on oily just re-oiled lanes(i ahd 4 lanes to try). All with under 10 gmaes on them(the owner of the brunswick let me try them). The Big One, Paradigm, Strike Zone, and Paradigm didnt work well for me(didnt really hook except for the Big One). On the other hand the other two worked great. Now the owner was watching bowl with them and when I threw the Scrochin' he clapped and said that was one of the scariest hooks hes seen someone throw with my kind of speed(may of just hit a big dry spot). And same for the Vapor zone. I actually had to serveral times try to increase my speed to keep up with amount of hook with these two.
Now the absolute I threw and it started to turn back to pocket but stopped and went str8 with the boards of the lane every time i threw it. alot of reveiws ppl dont like the Scrochin but it works great for me.
Strider, you know more than me about bowling but could it be that different balls do work some ways for others and the opposite for someone else.