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Author Topic: Question for BrunsRich about ball plugging  (Read 1292 times)

No Fear

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Question for BrunsRich about ball plugging
« on: May 24, 2005, 05:07:13 AM »
Brunswick is the leader in Bowling Ball technology & I applaud them in being the first manufacturer to speak out on the USBC proposals....on the USBC website Q&A section they state:

Q. What if bowlers have a ball with a balance hole? If these proposals are adopted, could a ball with a balance hole still be used in USBC certified competition?

A. Any ball that is on the approved list remains approved. As of Jan. 1, 2006 only new balls (with the USBC logo) would be prohibited from having a balance hole (and the CG must be within one inch of the cg). As of Jan. 1, 2008 no ball with a balance hole would be allowed in USBC certified competition. You could still use a ball without a logo (a pre-2006 ball), it just couldn't have a balance hole and the CG must be within one inch of the center of the grip. Older balls could be plugged and re-drilled. the USBC states a ball can be plugged under the New Proposals....BUT when a ball is plugged the CG moves....So how can the USBC make such a stupid comment as this???



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Re: Question for BrunsRich about ball plugging
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2005, 03:56:51 PM »
When a ball is plugged the actual CG is moved - correct. However, the "marked" CG does not move. Given the preference today for hi-flare layouts and exotic drillings that require balance holes, the marked CG is often more than 1" from the grip center. With the vast majority of balls the bowler will need to have the entire ball plugged and re-drilled - not just the balance hole. Worse, when this work is done, the plugs will likely be in the bowler's track. You can argue good or bad - but the fact remains if these rulings come to pass a whole lot of bowlers will be buying new balls in '08.
An example of how stupid this can get - I have a Classic Zone with a fairly tame layout - pin over bridge (6" from PAP and the mass bias below the thumbhole (right edge). This ball had a marked CG around 1-1/4 to the right of the Pin to Mass bias line. Because of this, it needed a small balance hole. To make this ball legal in '08, I would need to plug and redrill, and the mass bias would end up on the left side of the thumbhole near the track - A definite NO-NO with this ball and core. So - it turns into junk. (Unless I find a lefty who wants it).