Before I start, yes RicH, I know CG doesn't matter

I have a new Absolute to go with my OI and UI. It's not bad, but nothing special, at least not yet. Question.
I had it drilled stacked, pin below on outside edge of ring, 3 inch pin with PA 5 x 1/2 up and 75-90 axis rotation. This placed CG below the midline and I was told that would automatically start it with thumb weight due to CG position. After weighing it however, it still had 3/8 oz finger. We adjusted with a weight hole to zero side and slight thumb.
Realizing CG doesn't matter, but concerned about the reaction and the initial finger weight, the CG musta been way off, right? I'm curious if I should be concerned or just start polishing it in case it's burning up?
BrunsRicH (and others) would love your thoughts?