don't think this was intended as being a "smart" reply. Most people say that throwing a gripless ball gives them less revs...but I know a guy who swears its the opposite... he thinks that no grips give him a more solid feel which inturn allows him to get more fingers in the ball. generally, going with a Sarge grip will cut down on your revs as your ring finger is drilled conventional...therefore you aren't able to get the lift from that finger... people with tons of revs are alright as the have more than necessary anyways... I threw a lane#1 viper with a sarge grip for a while... honestly, I only noticed a minimal decrease in revs... I switched back because it just didn't feel comfortable to me... If you want to give it a shot, I say go for it... worst case, you plug the ring finger and redrill it back to regular specs...
He was a big fella - 6'2"... 180
-Old Western Movie on AMC