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Author Topic: Radical inferno question  (Read 1422 times)


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Radical inferno question
« on: July 23, 2006, 02:49:36 PM »
I am thinking about buying a new ball for the winter leagues. I bowl on synthetic lanes oiled about 39 feet and i was going to drill the radical like this

the pin is directly under the fingers
what kind of rection would i expect ?
Ultimate Inferno
Smkoin' Inferno
Purple Quantum



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Re: Radical inferno question
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2006, 10:56:57 PM »
Depends on what ur axis point is.  If it's say, in the 5" over range, it will give you great length, with a strong and smooth move off the spot.  My friend has one exactly like you want, and is just like I describe.  Ball rolls very true, and its very strong.  Will be a definite winner for the Big B.  Surface comes extremely shiny, so don't be afraid to cut it down a bit.
Buffalo bowlers are the best all around in the country.

AMF Thruway Lanes Pro Shop employee, and I have no problem saying that I'm Officially a Ball Junkie.