win a ball from

Author Topic: 2005 PBA Inferno  (Read 864 times)


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2005 PBA Inferno
« on: January 28, 2007, 12:17:08 PM »
1st Brunswick and 1st Inferno ball for me
got it at chicago open pro am 1 1/ 2 years ago
Took very lil getting used to,can actually say this ball i could trust pushing to right in almost any condition. Seems it would always find a way home.
After a while this was my 1st  choice from bag.
And now for this Sunday Morning.. 4 balls get stuck on our pair and 2 where mine my spare ball and the inferno.  WOW did the backend do a number on them.
spare ball is total garbage now.. oh well can always get another plastic.
But this ball is hard to find if you can even find now,
Brunswick said get another ball and they will pay for it.
Do any of the brunswick guys out here know if ball can still be found?
Or what would you think would be a comparable ball? This ball had 2.5 pin and 3.9 oz of top weight before drilling   pin was under ring with cg out to right.
I have a Smokin,Scorchin (PRO AM 2006),
but do wanna fill the void that this ball will leave.