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Author Topic: Radical vs Scorchin  (Read 1199 times)


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Radical vs Scorchin
« on: August 14, 2006, 12:38:23 AM »
I am debating to get a new ball.  Either the radical or the scorchin.  

I have owned the original inferno, got it used so I was never able to enjoy the ball as much as most of you.  I did however fall in love with the pin action it has when it does hit the pocket.  All the ball I have are 16 pounds and drilled for max performance, well thats what the pro shop usually tells me.  I believe the pin placement is lovated a litte to the side of the ring finger.(on the right hand).

I right now throw an RIP that is made by Columbia.  Its green and Rip/Reaction on the side if my memory serves me right.

Either way, at the current house I bowl at, my RIP ball hooks pretty good.  I can have it go clear to the 2 board and come back on good nights.  My average speed is about 14-16 mph.  I have pretty good rotation/spin on the ball.  

Im looking for a good ball to have a hard hitting pin action but the ability to clear a lot of boards as well.  There are night the rip ball just doeant come back and then there are nights when it does.  

It it helps, I bowl at the Columbus Square bowling palace.  

Looking at getting either the scorchin or the radical.  Anyone have pros and cons to why I should get either one?  I like taking it close to the gutter and having it come back hard.  that my natural swing/motion.



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Re: Radical vs Scorchin
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2006, 08:51:36 AM »
not sure if this will help, but I also bought a AMF TRIUMPH when it first came out and that ball just wouldnt do much for me there.  Ended up giving it away and for that person it hooks a lot.

Also, they just redid their lanes say about one year ago now.  All synthethic I believe.


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Re: Radical vs Scorchin
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2006, 09:03:01 AM »
Im looking for a good ball to have a hard hitting pin action but the ability to clear a lot of boards as well.

Serious question: What's the point in covering lots of boards? Do you wnat to score or is an ego thing (no sarcasm, seriously). Besides ball choice, the setup of the ball is important for the situation at hand and for your style. An effective ball gets into the pins with maximum momentum - when it covers lots of boards to the gutter and back it depletes energy and is not as effective as a short and easier-to-control back end hook. Stacked leverage is in most cases NOT the answer to lane challenges. It is the proper match of when and how much a ball will hook by the drilling to assist your game. Think!

Your OI seems to have been a good match with its surface and drilling for you. Therefore, I'd suggest a Radical Inferno with the same layout, even though I am sure that a non-high performance ball like the Rampage might be as effective as the RI.

DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Radical vs Scorchin
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2006, 09:23:35 AM »
I usually dont try to go out the edge, but that feels mostcomfortable and I can repeat the motion over and over.  I have tried going i more straight, but it doesnt feel natural, plus I usually end up going to straight and end up on brooklyn side.  

My rib ball usually does a pretty good job recoving, but the hit isnt like a Inferno.  

I watched teh vidio of the Radical and like what I see, but the scorching seems to grap a little early.  I guess ones the lanes start to break down that could be an issue.  Its a big decision. One dude I bowl with has the absolute or the Ultimate inferno and it dives down and has a decent hook at the end. He plays pretty straight on then has it break hard at the end.  

Anyone else have any suggestions?