Since rico is in the middle of the grip, often times it is rather far from one's pap, and on symmetric stuff like the smokin' a large pin to pap will increase length. If worried about too early a read one can just move the pin up and increase length.
The rico drill is in many ways a bit over used of a term. Putting the pin in the cog will react very differently for alot of people dependent on one's pap. Assuming that a typical pap is around 4" over and 0 up/down, rico will provide a fairly early rolling, med/high hook potential with good continuation. To get the rico like ball motion with a different pap one should be able to move the pin right if they have a large distance over pap (assuming right handed), and if one's pap is less distance over the pin left.
Although I have no real experience with the "rico drill" or 0" pin above mid drills, what I have here should be correct unless there is some factor that I'm overlooking.
Nick does seem to have a good ammount of experience with this drill and perhaps he can chime in on "the smokin' with rico" issue and also my assumption.
four fried chickens and a coke[/size=4]