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Author Topic: Raging Inferno Drilling Suggestions......  (Read 1217 times)

Monster Stitch

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Raging Inferno Drilling Suggestions......
« on: August 21, 2004, 07:25:55 PM »
Hey fellas, i was wondering if you guys can give me some advice. I want to get a early rolling ball for my dad. He is left handed, throws 14 to 15 mph, and is a high track player.

Right now he has a Ultimate Inferno with a Pin over the Ring finger with the CG right under in the stack position. This works well for him but the ball goes long which the Ultimate is suppose to do and really hooks in the back.

I want him to get him something when the lanes are freshly oiled that will roll early and set up in the back nicely. I was thinking the Raging Inferno would be a good choice. What size pin and topweight should he get? Would a 3 3/8 x 3 3/8 with a X-hole 2 inches pass his pap and one inch down work for him?

If you have any other balls in mind you would suggest also that would be great.

Thanks in advance.

Edited on 8/23/2004 1:54 PM



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Re: Raging Inferno Drilling Suggestions......
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2004, 03:57:44 AM »
My Goliath is 3 3/4 x 4 with my traditional release, 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 with my two handed release and both roll very strong in the midlane with a continuous backend.  This ball just never stops hooking.  Remember that the way that the core is positioned in the ball plays a major role in dictating the motion.  I'd set him up with a label shift drilling, pin 1 inch left of his ring finger, C.G under the ring finger or in the palm.  This puts the Mass Bias in the arc position and positions the core like this in the ball " \ "so out of his hand he should get some very early revs with a continuous strong arc.

Be Forewarned though, the Goliath is one monster of a ball, you'll only be able to use it for 2 games max before you dry out the shot.
-DJ Marshall
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Monster Stitch

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Re: Raging Inferno Drilling Suggestions......
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2004, 02:02:21 PM »
Thanks guys. I will look into the Goliath too.