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Author Topic: about expensive  (Read 8485 times)


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« on: September 15, 2005, 07:45:41 AM »
Last night before league, I went into my local pro shop to get the thumbhole on a ball opened up a bit. While he worked on it I nosed around the shop. Voila..a brand new Smokin Inferno...yours all drilled up for the small cost of only 252.00 without grips and slug. I know that Pro shop owners have trouble competing with online sellers, but this is just to much money. Am I alone here?
Track-Evolutionary Revolutionary!

Chicks dig the long ball....and the trip 4!



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Re: about expensive
« Reply #16 on: September 16, 2005, 01:29:43 PM »
At the Pro Shop in the lanes that I bowl in the new Trifecta is 239.95. Tropical Storm is 94.95. Mercury is 181.95.
 One of my teammates bought a Big Time Pearl(new) for 156.95. With grips and tax it came to 175 and change.
 Lane#1--nothing else hits like 'em.


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Re: about expensive
« Reply #17 on: September 16, 2005, 01:30:19 PM »
I think drilling a bowling ball is a little more in depth than regripping or restringing.  I mean, i dont think thats closer (and i am not comparing that back to the steak comment)  but pro shop owners go to class for this stuff, and spend time and money enhancing their knowledge...


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Re: about expensive
« Reply #18 on: September 16, 2005, 01:31:26 PM »
I like my local pro shop, he doesn't mark stuff up to much (mabye a 40 dollar mark up) so a Smokin Inferno is like 110-120 plus 20 bucks for dilling + 8 for a slug and 4 more if u use finger inserts (i don't). But i konw what you mean TJfreaky24. there are other pro shops that i go to where i see everything high preformance between 180 and 210 w/ the exception of the new ball the "alein"  whitch is going for 299.99, and from what the pro shop guy tells me he has already sold 10 of them.  

I am somewhat spoiled though b/c i can get just about any ball new for between 20 and 90 dollars b/c I buy them through college bowling


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Re: about expensive
« Reply #19 on: September 16, 2005, 07:28:01 PM »
I believe it takes time and effort to be a professional in any endevor.My examples were given with the assumption that the pro shops actually employed professionals to perform the service.I'm going to guess you have never regripped a set of clubs or restrung a raquet or you would not hold these tasks in such low reguard.

My point was that I believe in both cases the service would be performed in a professional manner at a set price reguardless of where the equipment came from.

I purchase my equipment online and locally.I will price the ball online and call my driller with the quote.If it is a popular ball,Smokin Inferno for example,he can usually come within $10-$20 of my price with drill and I will purchase the ball from him.If the ball is rare,Dyno-Thane Element AU79 for example,or not in stock his price will be much higher and he will recommend I buy online.In both cases his fee for drilling in EXACTLY the same.

This way of doing business may have cost him a few dollars on the ball end but he has more than made up for it with the 50+ customers I have sent to him.
President and CEO Visionite Stormy Buzzwick LTD


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Re: about expensive
« Reply #20 on: September 16, 2005, 07:37:21 PM »
yes my local pro shop guy is expensive, most the the new high-performance balls go for $225 drilled. i want to support him but he makes it hard. but he does me me 10% off everything i buy from him, so its not so bad. and he charges $15-$35 per drill (if the balls not from him), one time he charged me $35 for a drill with fingertips and a slug, then the next time he charged me $15 for the same thing, so im not sure. he is a super nice guy though
Columbia 300
Ti Messenger Pearl
Rock Pearl (not drilled)

Prime Time

Lane #1
Uranium Pearl

as you can see, im not sold on a brand of ball (yet) i just know brunswick isnt it haha




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Re: about expensive
« Reply #21 on: September 16, 2005, 08:24:57 PM »
170 drilled is a great deal.

President and CEO Visionite Stormy Buzzwick LTD


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Re: about expensive
« Reply #22 on: September 17, 2005, 02:01:47 PM »
Thanks TTBDepot,

That is exactly what I was referring to.  I wonder how many consumers know if their pro shop is CERTIFIED.  I guess those who dont will never know the difference until you have been to one.


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Re: about expensive
« Reply #23 on: September 17, 2005, 02:20:00 PM »
Where I bowl they charge $30 to drill whether you buy it there or not and the balls usually sell for 70% to 80% of suggested retail. Small center not near the city.


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Re: about expensive
« Reply #24 on: September 17, 2005, 02:28:16 PM »
In response to those 2 posts, The way I look at it is you get what you pay for.  If you pay 30 bucks to get the ball drilled, u got a 30 dollar drill.  just punch 3 holes in the ball and that is.  A smaller shop outside the city, I can maybe see that as more of an OK thing.

I am more used to the 2nd post.  245 for a high end ball, 80 (well 60 where I go) for a blank ball with no grips.  If you dont mind me asking, what city are you located in, where it is 80 to drill?


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Re: about expensive
« Reply #25 on: September 17, 2005, 10:19:40 PM »
In my local pro shop the SI is $185 drilled with inserts and thumb.


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Re: about expensive
« Reply #26 on: September 17, 2005, 10:37:24 PM »
I just bought a "Morich Total shock and awe" and a "Track Desert heat" for $160 and $130 with inserts and slugs. Of course, that was with 5% tax added on top of those prices. That was at a pro shop about an hour away. The local guy would have charged probally, $230 and $200 for the same balls and drilling. I cant say the same drilling, the more expensive guy has worse service and his work is not as good!!!!  

No I am not kidding and no, I am not a liar!!!!!! LOL!!!!
Hey, it might be slop but, it all looks the same on the scorecard!!!!!


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Re: about expensive
« Reply #27 on: September 17, 2005, 11:19:11 PM »
I am getting some high performance balls for $165 out the door.

No worries here. He is able to sell to me at this price because he is in charge of drilling balls for their learn to bowl leagues, entry level ball packages, viz-a-ball leagues and he does them non stop throughout the day.

I am, however just getting basic work done here... no beveling, no oval cutting... etc. I come in, lay out my lines, he cuts them, an exhange of cash, a handshake, and then I will take care of the rest at home or in the shop.

He's really far though, so I am now planning my own garage project... considering all the balls that I get drilled, this is likely a bad investment but a good hobby for me.
-Jeremy Vitug

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