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Author Topic: yet another arsenal question.....  (Read 805 times)


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yet another arsenal question.....
« on: December 07, 2006, 04:55:52 AM »
it seems to be the main topic lately.  i'm trying to get back into tournament bowling and any help from the nation would be appreciated!  right now i currently have (style in profile):

classic zone
monster red/black
blazing inferno - hard version, great for dry

reserves are a rhino T2 and monster scream/r

my real question is: i have NIB impulse zone and red zone and i'm thinking of getting a used original inferno and i'm wondering on what i should do.  i was thinking of just selling the classic and impulse, but i know the impulse would give me a different look than the reactive stuff with similar hook potential.  also, i know i'm missing a higher load particle, i was thinking of a warp zone for that.  i'm also concerned about the lack of solids in the lineup, hence the red zone.  i'd just like to hear some general opinions on this lineup, what i should get rid of (if anything), and some comments about possible holes in that arsenal.  thanks!