Hey all,
Managed to get a NIB Absolute Inferno recently. Right now I have a couple of original Infernos, both of which I love. My first OI was drilled with the pin above the fingers, CG and pin all on grip centerline. This ball has been a proven money ball, with a nice smooth arc reaction. Problem is, the poor thing has a ton of games on it and is starting to show it's age even after cleaning and resurfacing.
My question is, if I put a mild polish on the Absolute to get rid of the rough buff, and put the same drill on it (luckily the pin and top weight are nearly identical to the OI), how close will it come to the OI? I don't expect it to be identical with the difference between Activator and Activator+, but I'm assuming it will give be just a bit more length and more snap? That wouldn't be bad at all since there are times I would like a bit more backend out of the Inferno.
I thought about just putting a stronger drill on it, but I also recently picked up a used Vapor Zone, and that thing really turned out nice. So that part of my arsenal is now filled by the Vapor.
Those of you with both the original and Absolute, how do they compare to one another for you?