WellI have been struggling alot this year and think some things may be turning around. Last 2 weeks in league shot 752 and 764. Throwing the Diamondback. I like this ball more and more everytime I throw it. Gives me that good midlane roll and a little pop in the back.
In tourneys I have been bowling well mainly using the Evil Siege. This ball helps blend out alot of the patterns I see. Another great ball with great midlane traction and a some pop off the spot. Don''t know about you guys but I am really enjoying these releases. The new balls are definitely a different ball motion for Brunswick.
Just thought I would share some of my recent success. It has been a real long league season.
Adam Baer
The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation
Edited on 3/3/2010 6:39 AM