ok plain and simple i am a lefty i throw ball 15-16mph with medium revs on about the 13,14,15th board. i keep adjusting because of lack of ball reaction. currently i am throwing a AMF Maximum Velocity. i have to houses that i bowl at. one is synthetic heavy oiled lanes and there im throwing about the 13,14th board and my maximum once it collects oil to the ball it dies and wont react anymore. second lanes is wooden heavy oiled and im throwing over about the 16,17th board and its reacting but once again when it collects oil its dead. i dont know whats wrong but from my point of view i think its the ball. im wanting something that i can throw out to about the 13,14th board everytime and have it react evertime and hit hard in the pocket. I myself personally think that i should try the Brunswick Strike Zone but i would like to here some other opinions before i go out and buy anything.