Honestly I do not believe I will ever be able to get rid of this malady I have. I don't know where it came from but it's like a chronic disorder that is affecting my game.
I took some video of the Absolute and the Classic today but didn't want to show my goofy delivery again.
In defense of the chicken wing, it's not like I can't strike or hit spares but it's sooo annoying especially when I never used to do it.
There are no coaches here other than the YABA coaches and even the pro shop guy said, "DIZZAM, why you crook your arm liddat, bro?"
Anyone wanna take a trip to Hawaii and give me some lessons?
BTW, I sold 3 Absolutes today. Well, not directly. A few bowlers saw me rolling it and liked it. So I directed them to my fave pro shop where they made their purchase.

If anyone would like to offer any recommendation again, feel free to do so.
Solid 7 Pin?? 299 Game??!! WTF 
Edited on 2/26/2005 8:47 PM