Yeah, i found a pretty old clip of mine...Ball i'm using was the power groove. Vid explains the rest. I'm not sure how old, it was sometime before we started the second half of this league, that's all i know. I should also mention that's when my pitches were off, and my span was 1/4" short.
And YES, I am a smaller version of Rags the Friendly Giant. I wanted to play football this season, but I've got too much flippin homework with all my honor classes.....Anyways...Here you go. I dont look much like this anymore style-wise, but still, better than nothing until i get my new vids up.... YES, this is my first time ever using windows media player, so excuse the overall horrible video setup.
- Andy
Edited on 2/26/2005 9:12 PM
Edited on 2/27/2005 2:40 PM