Getting sick of Storm, haven't been impressed with anything of theirs lately with the exception of the Hybrid. I've always loved how clean Brunswick stuff is, but for me and most people I've seen, they have this hook/set reaction that I absolutely hate. Short patterns and hook/set don't mix at all. However, I'm finally starting to consistently throw the ball better, there's no more thinking I've figured it out only to realize it was only a good week, I've been steadily improving since I started bowling again in April. So now that I'm not over-revving the ball and have rediscovered a fairly clean release, I'm pretty sure that'll help me eliminate most of the hook/set. Brunswick seems to be more consistent than Storm, I've gotten a lot of over/under with Storm stuff recently, their stuff doesn't seem to like a medium breakpoint. It's all either hook at the arrows or won't rev until it sniffs dry. I've also been staying away from Brunswick because everybody in town throws their stuff, and I didn't want to just jump on the bandwagon too.
Thinking of a Smokin' Inferno. Nick makes his look so darn good, and I'll retract my statement I made about thinking they were going to be ugly. If I could get the same reaction SHAPE he gets with his, I'll be super happy. I also like B's particle stuff too, looooved my Detonator. What has B made recently that is particle? Last one I can think of is the Warp Zone. Wasn't the Impulse Zone particle too? Anyway, I've only got one ball for the upcoming year, and I have to drill some stuff anyway, so I thought I'd get a little headstart to figure out what I need. Don't really need a hook monster as long as it's particle, and a solid, and a higher end pearl. I like how the Intense reacts and hits, but I think I'd have overlap with the Smokin'. Oh, balls I'm not particularly interested in are the Classic Zone, Nemesis, or Rampage. None of them would match up well for me I don't think.
Space for rent or suggestions . .