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Author Topic: Rico Drilling  (Read 996 times)


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Rico Drilling
« on: April 17, 2005, 10:57:40 PM »

Originally i had my 2 Fuzes drilled with max lev to help me as i dont get a lot of revs.Since reading up on here and all the help i have recieved off this site, i have had them redone.Had the rico drilling one one and the other with pin over the bridge.Ive had much more success with pin over bridge seem to get a better finish with that one more skid snap the rico drilling has a gentle arc to finish.I thought it would be the other way round.Yesterday in our local monthly comp tried both on Practice and went for pin over bridge, ave 221 over 8th fin 4th in stepladder on light to medium with a good backend.Any opinions on what the Rico drilling would be best on for me.stroker 16/17mph not a lot of revs.

Hit em thin watch em Spin