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Author Topic: Rollout with the Rampage  (Read 2671 times)


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Rollout with the Rampage
« on: October 20, 2005, 05:49:08 PM »
I got my Rampage drilled up earlier this week.

I drilled it pin under my middle finger to try and get a controlled reaction.
I throw with a high rev rate and medium high speed.

I tested it out on a burnt pair of lanes.  The ball would get down the
lane, hit the break point, and about 5 ft from the pocket it would roll out.

On a fresh shot the ball works, but once it starts breaking down it starts burning out real fast.  I can't get any continuation to the pocket no matter what kind of adjustment I make.

After tonights league I polished the ball up some more, I got some more continuation and drive through the pocket, but it still rolling out.  Granted these lanes were also pretty bone dry, so I may not have gotten a decent read on it.

I was wondering whether I should just plug it and redrill it stronger or continue to try and alter the surface?



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Re: Rollout with the Rampage
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2005, 02:52:22 AM »
When the lane is toast, the Rampage might simply roll out, even with this weak drilling that's supposed to produce an early roll. PK18 IS strong - even when it has seen some years in the market. That's why Brunswick came up with the N'Control coverstocks on the Screamer, Frenzy, Punisher and some older Zones (e. g. Command Tone ARC). I suppose it is simply too strong for the lane you play.

DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany
Team "X":
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream..." - Edgar Allen Poe
DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Rollout with the Rampage
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2005, 03:16:15 AM »
Yah, originally that was what I thought it was.

So I took out my polished AI (drilled Rico1).  The ball was played to the
same breakpoint, but it didn't roll out.  

I may just have to polish the ball more to see if I can get close to the same length as I do with the AI, because the Rampage checks up earlier than the AI.


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Re: Rollout with the Rampage
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2005, 03:35:22 AM »
Hmmm, that's a funny reaction?

DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany
Team "X":
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream..." - Edgar Allen Poe
DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Rollout with the Rampage
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2005, 12:59:23 PM »
Yah it is.  

In retrospect, I with the amount of hand I have, most of my equipment would overhook on the shot they put down.  So I drilled this ball weaker.  In that sense it doesn't over react, and I did want this to be the first ball out of the bag, which it is.  So I guess I got a couple of things accomplished.  But once the shot breaks down this ball is pretty much useless.

So I just need to find a way to get a few more feet of continuation, if I can get that done, then I will have a pretty nice 1-2 punch for my THS.


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Re: Rollout with the Rampage
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2005, 02:54:27 PM »
The PK 18 resin on the Rampage is amongst the srongest of the resin coverstock, so what's happening to you, based on the ball speed in your profile (12-14 mph, VERY low) is not surprising at all.

Many people have said that PK 18 is actually stronger than the ACtivator (Personally, I find that hard to believe - whatever).

What you can do is sand the Rampage down to 800 ot 100 grit, THEN, re-polish is with Brunswick High Gloss polish. This will weaken the ball's response and make it easier to get thru the heads and more continuous on drier heads.

The basic finish for most Brunswick pearls is 400 grit followed by their High Gloss polish. Their polish has no grit in it to change to the underlying grit (what you sand it to). This procedure has worked for me on many Brunswick pearls; so I do not hesitate to recommend it.

Straight polish will not be nearly as effective UNLESS it is a polish with grit in it!
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Re: Rollout with the Rampage
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2005, 03:03:12 PM »
lol...thanks for the clarification.  I had to do a double take on the re-sanding.

Charlest-as for the speed issue.  I haven't been able to get a good reading on it since I'm still messing with the new grip, but it has increased.

Anyways...aside from that, I think the ball was resanded to about 600grit then polished I think.  I guess I will try and take it up to a higher grit finish and see if I can get those results.


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Re: Rollout with the Rampage
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2005, 09:14:46 PM »
You drilled a very strong cover with a weak layout. What you're getting is a surface that is grabbing too hard for the layout, thus, the ball is losing all energy at the breakpoint. The Rampage was not designed to be used on "bone dry" conditions, at least not for most bowlers. You're probably gonna want a different layout on this ball if you want to use it on drier conditions.

Looks like it's back to the left side again for me.

Brunbert Von Leftwich


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Re: Rollout with the Rampage
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2005, 12:21:03 AM »
Normally I don't bowl on bone dry.  In fact its quite the opposite...or at least it should be.

The league shot I bowl is "oiled twice over" since there is a 2nd shift league right after ours.  Instead of reoiling the lanes they put a heavy amount down for the first league.

In previous seasons I had trouble getting anything to hook, but after summer practice and what not, everything is overhooking.

On this league shot, out of the bag this ball does fine.  But with 10 people bowling in the same area, the shot breaks down fast (after 5-6frames) after that...the ball is useless because it stops continuing in the back end.

I mean even on bone dry conditions I shot at it was still very clean through the  heads, got to the breakpoint, made a smooth move, drove hard, but just died as it entered the pocket.

All I need is just that couple extra feet.  I mean with this layout, I REALLY like look and control this layout gives, I just need that few extra feet of continuation to make it work.

As an update, I made some adjustments and tempered my follow-through to try and project the ball farther down the lane.  On broken down shots, when I got just right it actually continued through.  On bone dry lanes it still sort of rolled out kind of like the reaction Chris Barnes got on the Roll to Riches so I still got decent deflection and carry.

I may take it up to 800grit and polish it, that along with some adjustments should help it out.  I hope *crosses finger*


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Re: Rollout with the Rampage
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2005, 10:31:43 PM »
For the record, I am by no means trying to make this ball a "dry lane" ball.

I have had problems keeping the ball on the right side of the lane, so I layed out this ball with a control / weaker layout to try and control the reaction.  Which it does quite nicely.

It's just that I just can't get the ball to continue through the last few feet before it hits the pocket.  I mean with some tweaking I can get the ball to finish, but it leaves very little room for error.

Its great first thing out of the bag, but with a quick changing shot, the ball is useless after 5-6 frames.  Heck I left the 5-7-10 on dead flush pocket shot, but the ball was that was the result.

Anyways, I took it back to the shop today to have it resurfaced.  Going to bring it up to 1000grit finish and apply polish to it.  I tried at I think it was 600, and got the ball "rolled out" into a forward roll type of reaction.  It carried better, but still left some solid 5's.  This should solve the problem, if not, I will probably have to plug it and do a redrill.