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Author Topic: Sanding a Fuze Detonator?  (Read 1755 times)


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Sanding a Fuze Detonator?
« on: March 02, 2004, 11:55:12 AM »
I own a personal spinner. A friend has asked me to resurface his Fuze Detonator. I hesitate because I don't have any trizact. So far,  wet sandpaper and scotch-brite pads has worked well for me. This is the first Brunswick Proactive I have been asked to resurface. Should I direct my friend to a pro-shop which uses trizact or should I go ahead with wet sandpaper or scotch-brite?






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Re: Sanding a Fuze Detonator?
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2004, 03:00:50 AM »
I have discussed this a length with one of the proshop guys here.  We decided that using sandpaper would sand the urethane that is in the cover but won't sharpen the particles.  I use sandpaper on my Big B particles all the time without any problems.  However, once or twice a year I have them trizact to the grit I want them at.  

My suggestion would be to resurface it and tell your friend to just have the proshop trizact it to the grit he wants.  I would do it that way.

"Act like you've been there before"


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Re: Sanding a Fuze Detonator?
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2004, 04:42:05 AM »
Thanks Andrew, great answer. I will let my buddy decide.





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Re: Sanding a Fuze Detonator?
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2004, 05:24:58 AM »
I once had a Pro Zone Azure sanded to 320!  It scared the hell out of me!!!
However it did not damage and worked great giving me a small amount of swing area on a shot no one else could play!  (1 board).

The thing about Brunswick's is that they respond so well to the Trizact.

I used to sand my Pro Zone Violet to 1000, quickly lightly and not often(3 times a year), then it would lose it's reaction.  I'd take it in to a distant proshop(PITA) and have him Trizact to micron 10.  Voila, like new.

Now on many particles I do scotch brite now and have seen no reduction in performance.  I often saw a decrease with sandpaper on other companies very fragile particles.

If time is of the essense scotch brite.  If perfection is desired, trizact.

Sand very judiciously all particles.


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Sanding a Fuze Detonator?
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2004, 06:31:57 AM »
Cheers, LuckyLefty. Now I really will be able to describe the options to my friend.


