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Author Topic: sapphire zone  (Read 977 times)


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sapphire zone
« on: July 23, 2005, 08:42:36 PM »
Can someone please reply?  I have a sapphire zone with a lot of games on it.  I would still like to use it.  However, the ball doesn't hook like it use to.  Does anyone know how to restore the potential hooking power that the sapphire zone has?  I really miss that massive hook it had out of the box.
Michael Riley Jr.

Edited on 7/25/2005 1:20 AM



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Re: sapphire zone
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2005, 06:35:41 AM »
take it to a pro shop that has a rejuvenator or revivor----these are products that safely extract the oil from the ball. next, have the ball resurfaced, preferably with a haus-type machine until all the tracking marks and wear and tear are removed. then have the ball wetsanded up to 600 grit. finally, have brunswicks rough buff compound applied. this will bring the ball very close to new.