I am the 6th member on a Early league and I got asked to bowl last night. There is a girl on our team who is an decent bowler with a 171 average. She has never gotten close to a 700. Anyway, she had been throwing an Ebonite The One since it came out and she got a new TOtal Inferno this week. She used it last night and the ball really rolled very nice. She had a 215 the first game with a couple of splits when she tugged the ball. She followed that up with a nice 278 (While I shot 300....I know shameless plug HeHe), and then finished that it up with a 248 for a really nice 741 series. The ball read the midlane beautifully and she had plenty of forgiveness and recovery if she pushed the ball out. With a simple Label drill with pin next to her ring finger and cg towards the palm, this ball was very readable. I know T Brockette also has this ball and speaks highly of it. Looks like another great Inferno from Big B.