The volume of oil is not enough, and the surface on the ball is too aggressive. Therefore, the ball is rolling out.
Check out this video: first shot, the ball had a smoother surface (out of box 1500-grit). The second shot, the ball had a rougher surface (hand-scuffed with a burgundy scotchbrite pad - approx. 320-grit). Although the second shot looks like it's skidding too far, it's actually burning up and therefore has no more energy to turn the corner enough.
As for the others who have thrown your ball, I strongly believe that their span, finger size, and thumb size are different from yours, and they track much higher than you (on their balls, the oil rings are pretty close to the fingers and thumb). Therefore, when they throw your Scorchin' (which has a high flare layout), they track over the thumb and fingers.
You could try polishing the ball up a bit. If that doesn't work, have it plug/redrilled. If that doesn't work, send it to me

DinoEvolutionary. Revolutionary.
TrackEdited on 3/3/2006 7:12 PM