95% of cracking issues are fault of the pro shop. In the thousands of balls that has went through our shop in the past 4 years I've been affiliated, I can count on 1 hand, maybe 2 of balls with cracking issues. Cracking can be cause by the following:
1. Inserts being flushed without bevel of the hole first
2. Finger pitches that run together at the bottom(like this "\/") that cause a weak bridge.
3. Bridges drilled less than 1/4 inch apart.
4. Holes drilled within 1/8th of the pin, down to the bottom of the pin.
5. Drill press vibration during drilling(#1 cause of cracking/stress cracks)
6. Driller drilling holes too fast(excessive heat will make inner ball material expand and contract).
7. Air cavities in the pour of the ball.
Check all of these signs first with your pro shop(they will most likely not want to admit to faulty drilling), then blame the company/or see what the company can do for you.
I find it humorous the same group of users on this site are the only ones with cracking problems, lets check the home shop first, that may be the root of your problems, not because (xxx) company "made a bad batch".
Respect the Game