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Author Topic: scorchin inferno  (Read 1168 times)


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scorchin inferno
« on: February 17, 2007, 06:38:25 AM »
I just wanted to know would this be a good ball for heavy oil I can get it very cheap.  I only would use it for going away



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Re: scorchin inferno
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2007, 03:08:19 PM »
I'll sell you a used one if your interested...16lbs.


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Re: scorchin inferno
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2007, 03:38:44 PM »
I just wanted to know would this be a good ball for heavy oil I can get it very cheap.  I only would use it for going away

Outside of the cheap shot to try and make a quick sale on a ball I can answer this question.

For most bowlers, this ball can be a heavy oil ball for a true heavy oil shot in the box condition. This can vary from bowler to bowler as each person is different. For normal house shots, the ball will burn off its energy too fast to be useful. Even on some PBA patterns (depending on the amount of oil used the ball will burn up too). The ball should be what your looking for. If anything, you might need to bring the surface from 600 to 800 grit and nothing more to be a good heavy oil ball. Mine is 800 grit matte finish.
Mike Zadler
Using the best brand in the nation, BRUNSWICK!!!
Below, my stats from previous seasons:
Winter season averages at Sunset Lanes in Waukegan IL.
Wed. Nite Ave: 196
Thur. Nite Ave: 216

Edited on 2/17/2007 4:39 PM
Mike Zadler