Either Brunswick's High Gloss Polish or Rough Buff will add more length to the Scorchin. It depends on how much more length you need. The polish will leave the underlying grit level as it is and put a high gloss polish on it for added length. Rough Buff has abrasive in it and will smooth out the stock 600 grit surface to a higher level. That higher level will be unknown by any actual measurement and will depend on how much is applied for how long. It will leave what is often called a "compound polish" on the ball for added length. It will look, in appearance, halfway between a dull ball and a gloss polish.
For comparison's sake, if you look at an Absolute Inferno and a Vapor Zone; they have a 220 grit sanding followed by an application of Rough Buff. The Scorching Inferno satrts off with a 600 grit finish. So applying Rough Buff could get you where you need to be.
--> Are you using a SI now or is it a ball you wish to purchase to handle the higher oil you are now seeing?
The Radar is a great ball for true medium oil; it is quite strong for a reactive resin pearl. But if you have medium low revs, you'd need a strong drill to allow it to handle medium oil for you.
The SI is meant for heavy oil. To bring it down a notch to handle heavier than medium oil and to be an alternative to the Radar. You could apply Rough Buff to get the cover smoothed out, as I mentioned above, and added a good deal of length. If that's not enough, you can always added more length with Brunswick's polish.
YOu could add Brunswick's polish on top of the OOB surface by itself.
Because of your low Revs, but average ball speed, I'd take one step at a time in whatever you do to the SI. Test it; then take the next SMALL step.
Or you could just get the more reasonable next step in Brunswick's selection over the Radar: the Absolute Inferno. It's still one heck of a ball for medium to medium heavy oil, righ tout of the box. The Vapor Zone, for reference has the Absolute Inferno's coverstock on a flippier core.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."