Im looking to replace either my morich TSA(hooks EARLY & a ton, but my Pain can actually cover heavy oil most of the time) or my Black Widow, i just dont really like the ball that much.
My arsenal
Morich TSA
Raw Hammer Pain
Raw Hammer Doom
Black Widow
Smokin inferno
Yes, my BW is actually under my doom, i used a weaker layout, AND shined it, although, ive changed the cover many times, i just dont really match up with the ball all that well......either that, or its VERY condition specific for me.
The 2/3 balls im currently looking at getting r the Total inferno, i would probably drill it fairly strong, & add a flare increasing x-hole, or a red zone, probably fairly weak, no xhole. These would replace the morich or the BW respectively.
The other option i have is to get a zapphire zone from & drill it up, not really to replace anything, but just an addition because its a great ball.
If anyone has any other options, please let me know, otherwise, what do u think of my current choices??