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Author Topic: A few questions  (Read 1386 times)


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A few questions
« on: November 15, 2007, 01:27:22 AM »
Hi would like to know how is everyone Fury solid holding up till now ? Any ball dead issue ?
Is it true that Brunswick coverstock rev up faster then other brands ?
If i want to get another ball to compliment the solid, should I go for the Pearl or wait for the twisted Fury ? Thanks !
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Re: A few questions
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2007, 09:32:30 AM »
I had the fury solid and it complete out sucks.  Didnt hardly move at all. To tell you the truth, possibly the worst ive ever thrown.  Also about 3 people at least in my alley have one and i have never seen any of them move much.  But if you want to go between the pearl or twisted, i would go for the pearl.

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Re: A few questions
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2007, 12:52:21 PM »
My Fury hooks plenty, but the surface is critical on this one.  Many bowlers have had to smooth them out to around 2000 before they saw much.  The factory finish tends to start too early for them so it looks like the ball isn't hooking.  Keep them clean, and "Revive" then after 60 games or so, and they return to almost new reaction.

I'm a big fan of the Fury Pearl.  Much more late movement than the original, but it won't be as angular as the Twisted is supposed to be.  The Fury Pearl's strength is that it finishes hard without being jumpy.

The ease of the ball "revving up" has a lot to do with the RG of the core.  Low RG cores rev earlier than higher RG cores.  


Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah


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Re: A few questions
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2007, 01:02:32 PM »
I do not own one but have seen Furies in action and heard comments from users and a Big B staffer. It goes much into notclay's direction - the solid Fury has a very strong/aggressive coverstock, and coupled with the OOB finish this ball needs heavy oil to perform at all. I guess Brunswick even designed the core with a medium RG and differential to push the ball better down the lane than a true low RG core like in the Infernos. If the ball does nor move, I'd bet that there is simply not enough oil out there and the ball burns up, rolling out and hitting weak. Taking the surface to a finer grit should help, though, or applying Rough Buff or polish.

The Fury Pearl is a pretty smooth pearl reactive. I was suprised when I saw it in action, seems easy to control. Probably the 4.000 grit finish keeps the ball from jumping around, I wonder what a true polish will make out of it...

About the Twisted Fury I cannot say much, except that I do not expect it to be that jumpy, too. A strong ball for medium conditions, yes, but it seems to be a sensible move away from the "95 out of 100" breakpoint shape balls that annoyed many players, like the Radical Inferno. The TF will surely be a bigger step down from the solid Fury, esp. if you have to tweak its surface to make it useable on mediums. In this case, there could IMHO be much overlap with the Fury Pearl.

Never heard so far about ball death.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: A few questions
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2007, 01:38:52 PM »
Most individuals who have trouble with a "big hooking" "heavy oil" ball NOT hooking and/or hitting like a turd are trying to use it on what they consider to be heavy oil, but is in reality more likely a medium oil shot. The ball is just using its energy (burning up) too soon. It's doubtful you will encounter oil volumes heavy enough to allow you to throw a Fury solid in its "box" condition. However, once you tweak the surface to match up, it is a great ball.
Most people seem to have best results with something from a 2000 abralon all the way to "high-gloss polish".


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Re: A few questions
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2007, 03:37:25 PM »
i have a fury and the surface prep has been a very important factor in the balls performance. there hasn't been enough oil in league to use this ball as i had hoped( 4,000 abralon ). it burned up early. it has worked great on the pba regional patterns where there's plenty of oil. rather than polish it up and use it in league i've been saving it for tournaments where the lanes are oiler.