Alright.. I threw this dinosaur in league last night. I ended up getting there a little late and had time for two "warm-up" shots. There seemed to be quite a bit more oil than I normally see (partially think that was due to me throwing the Speed Demon and there actually being a little more oil on the lanes than normal). It took me a couple frames to get lined up as the ball seemed to be flaring a ton, but just not finishing on the backend.. left a couple weak 10's. Finally found a reasonable line playing straight up the 10-11 area. Finished with 225. Next game , I double, leave ten pin and cover it, then string the next 5. In the 9th, I tug the ball and go through the face for a split, then finish out the 10th for 245. The absolutely amazing part is that at this point (after 2 games), I had not moved my feet a single board! I can't ever remember this being the case, especially in this house. The last game I started with a 10 pin, strike, then another 10 pin. I could see the ball burning up early and not finishing, so I made a 2 board move inside... the ball flew down the lane, just barely made it back to the pocket and luckily I carried a 5-7 with a messenger coming off the wall, LOL! At this point, I lost it... decided to make another small move inside with both feet at target to try and play a little tighter line.. the ball just skid past the head pin for a washout.. I moved back out to where I initially started with a little weaker release.. ball didn't finish, left a bucket, original release with a little more speed, left a big washout, moved way outside and the ball just didn't finish for me. Looking back, I should have made a change to something pearl with a little backend recovery for the last game.. but I wanted to make the Speed Demon work all three... had a decent shot at shooting 700 with it, but ended up shooting 650.. still respectable.
"The haddock hits me with a sucker punch. I catch him with a left hook.
He eels over. It was a fluke, but there he was, lying on the deck,
flat as a mackerel, kelpless."