I just got my dad a Smokin Inferno.
The specs are: 14lbs 2 oz, 2-3/8 pin (cg to bottom of the pin), 2.5 top
What layout would you recommend?
He currently has:
1. Absolute Inferno - 5 x 4 with the pin under the ring finger, cg kicked out an 1-1/2 inches and a x-hole 6.5 from center of span
2. Intense Inferno - 4 inch from PAP. Pin next to ringer finger with the cg in the middle of his grip.
3. Spare Ball.
I want him to have a pin up ball. His span is 4-9.5/16 cut to cut. WIth inserts
his span is 4-13/16.
The pin is 2-3/8 from the cg to the bottom of the pin. If i put the pin up
i know there is going to be a good amount of finger weight.
Would this be ok. I want this ball to fit inbetween his AI and II.
Also do you think he can use these balls as a full arsenal?
Thanks in advance.
"Learn to throw a lot of strikes" - Tony Reyes