A guy I know gave me this Brunswick Zone ball. I'm not a true beginner; I've done some bowling over the years and I have my own ball, but it's a plastic ball from the 1980's and I want to get back into bowling the right way, learn to throw a proper hook and I want a ball that will make this easier to learn.
This ball doesn't fit my hand so I will need to have it redrilled. Also, I suspect that the technology has come a way since this was manufactured. By the serial number JJ75799 I think this ball was made in 1996.
So my question is: What is the actual name of this ball and where can I read the specs about the flare potential etc. and if I'm going to spend the money to have it redrilled would I actually be better off buying a new ball...
And if I'm going to do that, what should a "lower intermediate" bowler who wants to take the game to the next level look for in a new ball?