First off again I'd like to thank Brunsnick and brunswick for hooking me up with a Wicked Siege, that was an awesome surprise and I hope you guys checked out my review on here.
Moving on, i've been struggling along all year in one house, after getting my Wicked Siege drilled and surface adjusted things have turned around, i haven't shot under 660 in 4 weeks (i'm no pro obviously but thats good for me) using it and my polished up Evil Siege as a step down from it. Those two balls roll awesome for me and give me a great 1-2 punch and i'm doing very well with them. I definitely will be checking out Big B more seriously next time i'm ball shopping because the two i've got now have really impressed me.
Wicked layout 35x3x30 Surface 2000 abaralon
Evil layout 50x4x40 Surface 2000 abralon + polish
Bowler Stats
17mph 300 rpm high tilt, medium low axis rotation