guys i need your help, i ran across a great deal on a Sidewinder yesterday. my local pro shop operator had one on the shelf for a while, so he drilled it for himself last week. long story short he used it for three games and offered it to me, i talked him down to 40 bucks so i jumped on it. first off its drilled with the pin above the middle finger, cg just below the middle finger and a weight hole just a tick above and to the right of the ring finger. im guestimating it would be somewhere around a 4" pin to pap for me. my stats are in my profile, my question is should i be ok leaving the pattern that is on it, or considering my rev rate and axis rotation should i change to a different drill pattern? im basically wanting to use it as kind of a benchmark, a ball that will blend the pattern but still give me a decent move on the back. for the record ive done well with light particle load balls in the past, and this is my first big b ball in over 10 years, so im kind stoked about it. i havent thrown mcuh brunswick stuff lately so i wanted to get a feel for what you guys would do with it if you were me! thanks in advance, stopncrank
STORM:If You Hear The Thunder,Sorry,The Lightning''s Already Struck!