Hey everyone, I have a chance at doing a trade for a Sidewinder. I was wondering what everyone thinks of it? My arsenal, and stats are in my profile right now.
My house's pattern seems to change a lot, so i'm not too sure on what I can say about that if you needed to know. Let's just say there's never a flood. A heavy-medium pattern is the highest at most. Usually the lanes are barely oiled a real pattern in my league's anyways! For example, yesterday, there was a nice shot down, and last week, there was NOTHING. The lanes were completely different. I need a consistant ball reaction every week to be able to score. Otherwise, i'm usually lost! I can throw the ball very well, but usually my pin carry/ball reaction suffers!
So can anyone give me some layout suggestions, and give me some opinions on how they feel about this ball? I've read some reviews, but i'd like extra help! Thanks!
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