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Author Topic: SlayR or Groove for really burned up conditions...  (Read 3108 times)


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SlayR or Groove for really burned up conditions...
« on: January 13, 2004, 05:39:51 PM »
Ran into a jam last night......

Sanded the inferno to 800 grit and got a GREAT read out of it (finally), with the sanding I went from almost selling it to absolutely loving it!


The shot burned up FAST, threw 246 with the inferno..starting the ball on about 22-23 and sending it out to 6-7  at the break point.  As the lanes went away it just got rediculous....  I pulled my frenzy(5x4.5 pin over ring) out and it hooked a lot as well, and being polished it was real flakey....

I think i'm going to sand the frenzy to 1000 then hit it with some clean and smooth (1,500) to make it a little more controllable.

Now I need something for when the shot is toast.  I'd like a nice readable reaction, nothing flippy or snappy.....I was almost thinking of trying the urethane Groove.....

What do you think?  Any suggestions on a ball and a drilling?




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Re: SlayR or Groove for really burned up conditions...
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2004, 08:51:48 AM »
I'd drill a power groove reactive the same way as your Frenzy
Hello, I just lowered my track !


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Re: SlayR or Groove for really burned up conditions...
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2004, 01:58:18 PM »
I don't know Jeff, from what I've read here, the Power Grooves are supposed to be pretty snappy.  Anyone?
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Re: SlayR or Groove for really burned up conditions...
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2004, 02:30:37 PM »
The SlayR seems to go longer with less backend than the Power Grooves (This is from observation, not use!); we have a bunch of SlayRs in one of my leagues, where it is often DESPERATELY needed. The SlayR needs, requires significant dry to make the turn. If the Red/Black Monster is PK 17, as are the Power Grooves and the Danger Zone is PK 18, as well as the Fire Quantum and the SMashR and the Bruiser, the SlayR's cover would, in my estimation, be about PK 15.
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Re: SlayR or Groove for really burned up conditions...
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2004, 04:08:41 PM »
i've thrown both and both were drilled the same and their surface was prepped the same. the power groove snapped a lot harder----this ball was not quite advertised correctly. the monster slayR THRIVES on drier lanes.


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Re: SlayR or Groove for really burned up conditions...
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2004, 04:11:43 PM »
The SlayR cover is touted as a new forumula.  Mine is the driest lane ball I own, but I don't have a lot of hand, and typically don't run into real problems on the dry side.  The ball definitely plays stronger than advertised on dry.    From my observation the SlayR starts up a little quicker than I expected.  I think the Power Grooves would get more length due to the higher rg 3 piece core.


Yes, the Power Groove has a higher RG core, but it's not a true 3 piece ball. That "core" has a high RG differential for a ton of flare; that's why it hooks so much. For all practical purposes, it is an error to think of it as a 3 piece ball, with a simple pancake core.
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Re: SlayR or Groove for really burned up conditions...
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2004, 10:59:24 PM »
I think the urethane groove may be too big of a step down. Plus, it depends on where the lane is "toasted".  If the heads are gone, urethane still reads early, technically earlier than resin. The urethane advantage will come with "wet/dry" outsides or scorched backends, as it will not over-react. If you're just looking for something to skate through the front part of the lane when it breaks down, I would say the SlayR,keeping with your monster line. The cover on it was redesigned to do exactly what you're looking for. Be forewarned, it hates oil, so dont try to make it something it doesnt want to be. Also I wouldnt lay it out EXTREMELY weak. Maybe just copy the layout from your Frenzy, as I assure you the cover on this one will give you the added length you require. Later.


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Re: SlayR or Groove for really burned up conditions...
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2004, 09:18:27 AM »
Babz299, you DID read it correctly....however the thoughts on my original comparison was between the slayr and the reactive groove.....I threw in the urethane one just for fault, I should have been more specific...

SORRY for the confusion, if any...

I'm thinking I may try the Slayr, drilled pin over bridge and just kicking out the cg a little to end up with a touch of positive side....

I hit the frenzy with 1000 and then some clean and smooth to tame down the "flippy" aspect that it had, I haven't tried it yet though....

I think I'm going to get the slayr and also a warp zone to complete my arsenal....

It will look like this:
*Warp Zone (I don't have it yet but..drilled to hook in a flood -4x4, 3 3/8 x 3 3/8 pin low but in the "safe zone" because of my high track, sound right?)
* Raging inferno (I love this ball, 4 x 5 pin on side of ring)
* inferno (5 x 4.5 pin above ring- sanded to 800, I'm really starting to like this)
* Frenzy (5 X 4.5 pin above ring- 1,500 finish)
* Slayr (5.5 x 4.5 pin above bridge- out of the box finish?)

how's that sound?


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Re: SlayR or Groove for really burned up conditions...
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2004, 04:03:40 PM »
Go with the Slayr for dry lanes but I will echo what others have said this ball hates oil of any sort. I have a higher rev-rate of 350-400 rpms and this ball still "labors" on dry lanes. IMO this ball plays better in a defined, dried out track because it is so clean thru heads and any trace of head oil can make this ball go thru the breakpoint.Under my testing and watching other Slayrs in action there has to be an ungodly amount of friction to swing this ball. All in all this would be a good ball for Pattern E out on tour if you like to play near the gutter. My slayr is 5x5 and probably is the reason why my slayr is so weak. Dont hesitate to drill this ball strong.
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Re: SlayR or Groove for really burned up conditions...
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2004, 01:36:39 PM »
I guess it depends on how you'd want to play the lanes once they've broken down.  If you play a straighter or lower-rev game, you could go with the SlayR;  the cover would probably be weak enough for you to play the dry.  Any of the pancake Grooves would work as well, as you'd still be able to generate angle to the pocket with a straighter trajectory.  If you have a decent amount of hand, though, you may not be able to keep the SlayR from bouncing off of the dry boards.  Also, as mentioned before, the SlayR hates oil, and thus it isn't particularly forgiving from inside lines if the oil's pushed down the lane.  If you prefer to play drier lanes in a more left-to-right manner, you might be better served with a reactive Power Groove, which would give you better recovery than the SlayR.

Hope this helps.