I have a Raging Red Fuze and the Eliminator, and they make a very versatile combo for medium to oily conditions. Even when these balls are last generation stuff, they are strong balls that should seriously considered, even by today's standards.
On the coverstocks an PK18 derivate was used (called Agrressive Reactive) with tweaked versions (high load particle, low load particle, pearl reactive, hard pearl reactive). The early balls still came from the time when Brunswick was tempering with ProActive material, with doubtful results. The later the balls, the better they are.
The Eliminator is probably the best ball of the Fuze line: great control, traction in oil, but not easily burning up. I'd consider it a benchmark ball, even by current standards. It will not hook sharply, but you will get the smooth reaction over a very long period. Carrydown is NO topic for this ball. Great carry.
The Red Fuze is a very good all-araound ball, similar to the OI. Maybe a bit weaker, but hard to beat on medium conditions or a THS. I think it shows a more arc reation than the OI, it has great midlane recovery and thunderous backend.
Another good ball must be the Igniter, a hard-shell version of the Red Fuze with a higher RG core, intended for medium-dry conditions. I do not have one, but I think it must be strong ball, too, for its purpose.
DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany
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