I would tend to believe what you say but after having corrected the problem one week, my approach, delivery and follow through was smooth, I generated more ball speed and hit my mark on my favore down and in shot. I was actually comfortable rolling the ball.
I am inconsistent the way I bowl now. Even thought I carry a 215 average on my Thurs. night league, I tire easily because I am actually pulling the ball up instead of letting the ball swing freely into position and there's no way I could finish a scratch tourney the way I roll now.
If I didn't love bowling so much and didn't spend money on new equipment, I wouldn't care and not worry about the chicken wing. But I want my 300 Game form back and eventually bowl in the Hawaii TV Bowling tourney.
I sincerely appreciate everyones input. This weekend I hope to have new vid. Plus I have an Impuse Zone, an Absolute and a Rhino Pro Teal on order but I don't want to drill them out until I have corrected my issues.
Maybe one day I will be able to give BrunsNick a run for his money.

Solid 7 Pin?? 299 Game??!! WTF