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Author Topic: Smash Zone  (Read 6848 times)


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Smash Zone
« on: March 01, 2009, 08:05:33 AM »
Looked pretty good on the broadcast today. As a fan of low RG pearls, I think I will have to pick one up.  Doesn't seem to be much chatter with regards to this ball.
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Re: Smash Zone
« Reply #16 on: March 02, 2009, 12:52:30 PM »
Think of the Smash Zone as a Twisted Fury that revs up a little easier.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Pro Shop Staff

The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.


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Re: Smash Zone
« Reply #17 on: March 02, 2009, 02:57:19 PM »
I don't really understand why some balls are big hits and others, just as good, aren't. I think a lot of it has to do with when they are released and what other balls are released along with it, or even what was released recently. When we got our Smash Zone from the pro source deal a week or 2 before its release date, I decided to drill it for myself, and found, even after having the ball for 2 weeks, there were still no reviews for it. I think I ended up writing the first one at that point. And I was one of very few people, throwing the ball in town.

I guess that's where color comes in, not in shelf appeal, but in attracting attention on the lanes. I shot 300 the 3rd or 4th week I had that ball, and nobody asked, "what was that boring black ball you were throwing?" lol. A few months later, I shoot 300 with a virtual gravity, and the question goes more like this, "Holy crap! What's that crazy thing you were throwing?". Well, I can tell you, my virtual and my smash zone have very similar reactions. Both are fairly angular, and both hit well, probably why I shot scores with both at the same house. So why does the virtual get so much attention, because when it's rolling down the lane, it catches peoples eyes, and they watch it strike (a lot..little figjam there), but my smash zone looked like every other ball out there. Nobody can tell it's a new release. And don't get me wrong, I love the look of the smash zone, and i could sell one to anybody if they came in the shop but werent already looking for something they were attracted to on the lanes. The twisted is a good example of this (wicked colors). We sold a ton of them, because when they are more noticeable on the lanes, people start noticing more and more of them and wanna jump on the bandwagon. Its not hard to tell what ball people are throwing when the color jumps at you.

Rob, this is some food for thought. It's not the shelf appeal to be concerned about, its the appeal on the lanes. Most centers where I live are dark, and can feel like dungeons. Bright colors catch your eye quick. Especially, if it doesnt look familiar.


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Re: Smash Zone
« Reply #18 on: March 03, 2009, 03:30:27 AM »
Rob, this is some food for thought. It's not the shelf appeal to be concerned about, its the appeal on the lanes. Most centers where I live are dark, and can feel like dungeons. Bright colors catch your eye quick. Especially, if it doesnt look familiar.  


Good points!

Yesterday I was practicing in a house which I seldom visit, and I was using my Avalanche Pearl one of the top senior bowlers in that centre came up and asked me what that ball was.

I’m just a house heck with average skills, but the Avalanche Pearl with its crazy blue/silver pattern makes me ‘look’ like a better bowler than I really am. Especially when it’s striking.

I'm a THS hack and a ball junkie.
Certified ball collector.


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Re: Smash Zone
« Reply #19 on: March 05, 2009, 02:49:53 PM »
Speaking of which..I just scored one off ebay for cheap..

Layout suggestions?

Power tweener and poster boy for medium revs and speed.

5 1/2 over and 1/4 dwn pap..

THS mainly on syn surfaces..
Inverted 1 and Dead Flush are my Evil Twins...


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Re: Smash Zone
« Reply #20 on: March 05, 2009, 04:22:23 PM »

Now that I am seeing things from all perspectives, there is no rhyme or reason why one ball, reaction being similar, sells better than another.

Some people will say that color influences. Well, take a look at the Virtual Gravity. Great reacting ball. Makes a motion that most people like to see. But the color combination, for the most part is butt ugly. Those orange blobs rolling down the lane look awful for the most part.

MaXX Zone. Color combination is not too contrasting. It is an easy ball to follow down the lane. Similar reaction to the Virtual Gravity. But while the MaXX Zone has been a good seller, the Virtual Gravity is ahead of the MaXX.

So it isn't color so much.

I truly believe that Brunswick is still fighting the demons that have haunted them since the annoucement of the move to Mexico. Peoples perception of inferior product out of Mexico. Plus, the questionable quality APPEARANCE issues (RARELY any performance issues since the release of the Twisted Fury)of the past are still haunting the big B.

Currently, it is "cool" to be throwing a Storm/Roto Grip Product. It is becoming less "cool" to throw a product of Hopkinsville, KY. Brunswick is sort of falling somewhere between the two other "Major" manufacturers.

In addition, in my territory here in MI & NW OH, there is a resurgence of "Buy American". Even though we all know that the raw material to make Brunswick balls is American Made and Brunswick is still an American based company. People still bash Brunswick for making it "public" for moving the manufacturing to Mexico.

So to answer your question Roberto, from what I can see, it just isn't Brunswick's turn yet. Brunswick is making great strides with quality and different reactions other than the "typical" Brunswick reaction. But just haven't hit the Hot Button with the ball buying public yet.

Just my $.02


Larry Verble


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Re: Smash Zone
« Reply #21 on: March 05, 2009, 04:28:41 PM »
Hey Verbs, I understand where you are coming from with your comparison of the Virtual and Maxxx Zone but from everyone i've talked to they love the color of the Virtual Gravity and the outrageousness of the orange in with the dark contrasting colors is a plus to them. I think its just one of those love or hate and a lot of people and 99% of the younger crowd dig it in my area at least.

And on topic I don't know why the Smash Zone has gone over that great, everyone i've seen reacts well and I know a lot of people that like the simple colors, but I do agree that right now it seems the Utah stuff is just having its turn, just as Hammer did with the Widows and Brunswick did with the Absolute Inferno time.

I'm not really sure what can be changed, I think Brunswicks stuff is good and the colors are fine I just think some are bitter. I have personally seen the issues with the quality numerous times but it hasn't been anything more than minor mismarkings or phasing in the colors, but I know a lot of people hear of one case and blow it up and the Mexico move just rubbed some the wrong way as they argue none of the other companies had to move, but thats just another case.
-MOTIV Staff