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Author Topic: Smokin Inferno?  (Read 4662 times)


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Smokin Inferno?
« on: October 03, 2005, 02:25:11 PM »
Hey guys, I'm just getting back into bowling since 2000.  I'm not what you would call an avid bowler, one league a week and usually another night a week practicing or having a few beers with my buddies while we roll a few.  I bowl on wood lanes with medium to medium heavy oil(Not sure the pattern, but its pretty dry on the outsides).

I'm still throwing my very first ball a Speed Zone(Started bowling in 1999 for two yrs. and gave it up).  I'm having great luck with the Speed (202 avg. so far), but the ball is pretty beat up and my B-Day is next week so the wife has given me the green light for a new ball.  I'm not a big cranker, medium revs and a ball speed in the 15.5-16mph range.  I have read quite a few of the reviews, and the Smokin looks good.

Any suggestions?  Also I have a few local Pro-Shops that are great, but I can buy off the net have the Pro-Shop drill and easily save $100, what gives?  My first and only two balls that I purchased I bought through my local Pro-Shops and paid $250 plus/ball.  I prefer to support the local shops, but how can I pass up the deals on the net, are they the same balls or are they seconds?

Thanks for the Help!


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Re: Smokin Inferno?
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2005, 10:30:27 PM »
I would go with the absolute on the medium-heavy condition.  On heavier patterns, my smokin seems to skid past the point quite frequently.  You definitely couldn't go wrong with the absolute.
Shane Soule
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Re: Smokin Inferno?
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2005, 12:13:24 AM »
I've never heard of ANYONE saving $100 on a ball by using the internet. Something smells a bit fishy.

Looks like it's back to the left side again for me.

Brunbert Von Leftwich


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Re: Smokin Inferno?
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2005, 05:44:25 AM »
If you're a once a week bowler, forget the Smoking. Try the Nemesis; it's much cheaper, it's closer to the Speed Zone, especially with a tiny bit polish, and will whack the pins like you wouldn't believe on 99% of house conditions.

Check with your pro shop to see how they feel about your bringing an undrilled ball and their drilling it. SOme like it; some do not and charge a high price. Then there's the matter of warranty. The pro shop is not responsible for the ball if anything should happen to it; after all, they didn't sell it to you. SInce you haven't bought a ball from them in a long time, you are not exactly a regular customer.

Most internet prices + shipping + drilling plus inserts are not dramatically different in price from a pro shop deal PLUS you must consider many little extras a pro shop can offer. Besides if you have to go back for fine tune-ups, it's better to have a good relationship/good will with them.
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Re: Smokin Inferno?
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2005, 07:22:43 AM »
I agree with Charlest here...try the Nemesis.  No need for a top of the line ball.

As for buying off the net, it just depends.  I would request a 2-3 inch pin, with 2-3 oz of top.  This will provide with plenty of options.  The price, you could save quite a bit on the net.  Example:

Local shop:
$249 ball
$6 finger inserts
$12 thumb inserts
8.5% tax
Approx $289 out the door.

$144 ball
$15 ship
$50 for a blank drill
$6 inserts
$12 thumb
8.5% tax on the drill and inserts.
$233 for the ball out the door.  

You could even take this one step further and buy inserts from them too.  That would save you even more $$.



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Re: Smokin Inferno?
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2005, 07:33:28 AM »
I agree with Charlest here...try the Nemesis.  No need for a top of the line ball.

As for buying off the net, it just depends.  I would request a 2-3 inch pin, with 2-3 oz of top.  This will provide with plenty of options.  The price, you could save quite a bit on the net.  Example:

Local shop:
$249 ball
$6 finger inserts
$12 thumb inserts
8.5% tax
Approx $289 out the door.

$144 ball
$15 ship
$50 for a blank drill
$6 inserts
$12 thumb
8.5% tax on the drill and inserts.
$233 for the ball out the door.  

You could even take this one step further and buy inserts from them too.  That would save you even more $$.



Formerly known as agroves....

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$249 in the Pro Shop?? For what ball? If your talkin about the Smokin, I have never seen that ball in any shop for $249. My pro shop sells it for $199 drilled..

That ball can also be bought for much cheaper than $144 online. Ebay is one place to look and buy it cheaper..

I guess it just depends on what your local pro shop charges but I always think its cheaper to buy online..

Just my 2 cents..
The Skins won 14-13 and Tracy is gonna be mad!!


Edited on 10/4/2005 7:29 AM
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Re: Smokin Inferno?
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2005, 07:34:50 AM »
I've been to two different proshops in this area.  Both have the smokin at 249.


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Re: Smokin Inferno?
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2005, 07:39:39 AM »
I've been to two different proshops in this area.  Both have the smokin at 249.


Formerly known as agroves....

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I would not be buying anything there.. Like I stated before, I guess it depends on what your local pro shop charges for stuff. IMHO, $249 is a rip off.. If I had to pay those prices, online would be my only option..


The Skins won 14-13 and Tracy is gonna be mad!!

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Re: Smokin Inferno?
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2005, 08:25:29 AM »
Thanks for the input guys, my local shops have the Smokin for $249-269.  I have found it on the net for $127 shipped to my door no tax.  I figured that I would have $25-35 in drilling and inserts, and that's where I got the $100 savings.  

I actually talked to the largest Pro-Shop in the area, they have the Smokin for $250, with 10% off and free inserts.  I asked them what was the deal with the internet pricing being $100 less than what they were charging?  All he could tell me was that I could save quite a bit on the high-end balls online, but the online stores didn't have to put up with returning balls because of the variations in each ball like his shop does.  Didn't quite understand where he was coming from.  It sounded like he wouldn't have a problem drilling a ball that I purchase off of the net.



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Re: Smokin Inferno?
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2005, 09:27:25 AM »
got my absolute used with the same span as mine (10 games on it)...
$85 shipped
$17 grips and slugs


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Re: Smokin Inferno?
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2005, 01:28:03 PM »
"As for buying off the net, it just depends. I would request a 2-3 inch pin, with 2-3 oz of top. This will provide with plenty of options."

Will most online shops pick the ball that you ask for?  Just curious, I would like to get one ordered today or tomorrow.  Thanks guys!


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Re: Smokin Inferno?
« Reply #11 on: October 04, 2005, 01:32:12 PM »
"As for buying off the net, it just depends. I would request a 2-3 inch pin, with 2-3 oz of top. This will provide with plenty of options."

Will most online shops pick the ball that you ask for?  Just curious, I would like to get one ordered today or tomorrow.  Thanks guys!

Buddies will do their best.  If they don't have one you request, they'll contact you.



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Re: Smokin Inferno?
« Reply #12 on: October 04, 2005, 01:36:25 PM »
ive gotten alot of bowling balls from ebay.

they are all run by the same guy, Keith Spear.
he's always fulfilled my request to the best of his ability based on what he has.

i purchased a quantum fire from him for $75 shipped, and a quantum elite for $35.
great guy, and fast shipping, usually ships out within 2 days of payment.

Edited on 10/4/2005 1:29 PM


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Re: Smokin Inferno?
« Reply #13 on: October 04, 2005, 08:30:37 PM »
Well I talked my local Pro Shop down to $210 including grips and drilling for the Smokin.  Probably still could have saved a few bucks if I purchased through the net, but this way I'm supporting the local guy.

I also picked up an Absolute Inferno with 6 games on it that is an almost perfect fit, just a few tweaks.

What drilling do you guys suggest for the Smokin?



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Re: Smokin Inferno?
« Reply #14 on: October 04, 2005, 09:03:34 PM »
I would discuss the drilling with your proshop.  He can see you bowl and help you decide what you want.  


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