What can I say, I'm a big fan of the "blems." Don't have just a normal Classic Zone, but I've got a Red Pin and now a Violet. Traded for the Smokin, bought the Strike. Smokin is stacked, and believe it or not, it doesn't need a weighthole, has 7/8ths positive and 5/8ths finger. Hooks quite a bit more than the first one I had (quite a bit stronger drilling explains that), but has the same reaction shape, which is a good thing. Ball doesn't really rev at all, and lol, I've never really seen a ball chew like it wants to hook now, but it gets good length and moves very well on the backend. Nice hard arc. Fits just below my Strike in terms of hook potential.
Strike Zone. Pin is diagonally up and right of my ring finger, psa is diagonally right and down from my thumb about an inch. Cg was kicked out, so I needed a weighthole. Well, had way too much finger weight, and instead of drilling the fingers out, I stuck the weighthole about 2 inches above my pap. Ball revved up nice, then died on the backends . . my Ambush was revving and moving better. Plugged the weighthole. Well, come to find out when I went to drill the fingers deeper, I had no finger or thumb weight, so I just drilled the weighthole, about an inch and a half below my pap this time. Ball was still doing the same thing, revving up, and dying. The mids were absolutely destroyed, my Smokin and new CZ were checking up really early too. Enter the 6th arrow. All the sudden the ball comes to life. The Smokin and CZ weren't making it back to the pocket, but the Strike was. It's a smoother and earlier look than my first Strike, but if I ever see oil, it'll be perfect.
Violet Classic Zone. Only had about an inch and a half pin, so I put the pin straight right of and pretty close to my ring. Thumb was the same distance from the psa as it was on my Strike. Had almost 2 ounces of sideweight, and due to drilling the fingers deeper, I was virtually even on finger/thumb weight. Put the weighthole 2 inches below my pap. Ended up with juuuuust under an ounce of side weight and about a half ounce of finger weight. This ball is an absolute monster. It's one of those balls that just glides through the heads, but is revving hard off your hands. Went a couple feet longer than the Smokin and had an incredibly strong arc towards the pocket. Kicked out 10's, threw pins around like crazy, set up very well, and kept the pins low. Has the look of my Red Pin, but is just a tad earlier and smoother, reacts almost like a very highly polished solid, reminds me of the V2 Clean or maybe The One. MUST order another one of these. Gonna shoot some scores with this ball . .
New member of the Metal Militia!!! If you think Simple Plan is metal, then you must die. And not get to be a member . .\m/!!!