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Author Topic: Smokin vs Rampage  (Read 1052 times)


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Smokin vs Rampage
« on: August 28, 2005, 01:34:11 PM »
Does anyone have these to balls and can they tell me which one hits better for them on the same condition if they were throwing it at the same time.



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Re: Smokin vs Rampage
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2005, 10:01:40 PM »
I remember a few years back when the original Eraser was released. I wont say everyone, but alot of people absolutely loved that ball on the THS. The reason I mention this is, IMHO, the Rampage could be along that line. It is incredibly smooth up front while reading the dry appropiately---not too jumpy.

I dont believe in reviewing a ball after only a few games, we'll see how it holds up. But out of the box---it definitely has me loving my purchase.
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Chris Green
Bowler ID# 2039-6328


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Re: Smokin vs Rampage
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2005, 10:03:22 PM »
Twoheadedboy, have you personally thrown each layed out similarly on the same pattern.  Well I have. While the hook rating shows a great disparity between the two balls they are quite similar.  The cores of the rampage and smokin are somewhat similar with the largest difference being in the elevated rg avg. of the Rampage.  The covers, the largest determining factor in a balls reaction, is quite close as they are both pearls designed to be very snappy (the activator advance is not really much stronger than the powrkoil 18).  This data would lead one to believe that the Rampage is slightly cleaner through the fronts, which it is, and slightly weaker which it also is.  Beyond that, with respect to break point shape the balls are almost identical.  For me out of box, drilled almost the same there was too much overlap which lead me to polish the Rampage and take the Smokin down to 2000 grit.   After changing the surface prep these balls compliment each other extremely well and are currently back to back in my arsenal.
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