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Author Topic: So DP3 got flamed. Now if you want to do that do it somewhere else. I have a real quality control Q.  (Read 9221 times)


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Ok, so after Tzones finally arriving after BOs like no body's biz i got about 20 of them in stock.

one box of 10lbs were all under weight more or less they were 9lbs 12oz to 9 lbs 14oz.

This is normal i know. it happens occasionally but the entire batch was like this.

I have some 12lbs that are 12lbs 8oz in the navy gold pearl tzone.

That is the issue that is immediately visable before the balls even exit the box. Secondly;

They are coming out with flat spots. I know polyester balls don't cure the same way compared to a resin of any type, but i haven't seen this from any other manufactuer. Including the Made in China White Dots.

Also they are getting ring marks on them very easily. We had some Tzones sit on a ring for 6 hours and they had a reasonabley deep impression from the ring. We use these rings for all our balls and only do the Tzones have the problem.

I am not a crack nut or wack job. I am not out to bash mexican works, or forgien made products. But brunswick's lack of attention to quality serious blows.

I'm going to return the next brunswick product that comes in with any of these flaws. I rather sit on BO with product then get rushed poor quality product.

12lbs 8oz? 9lbs 12oz? WTH!?

I know there are regional reps on here, but i have contacted them in the past and they don't have control over the processes in mexico.

does anyone know if there is a complaints and compiments email for brunswick?

Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
LaSalle, Quebec
Located inside Pont Mercier Lanes.
Edmonton, Alberta.
Located inside Ed's Rec Room.(WEST ED MALL)

Roto-Grip Star Proshops
Storm VIP Shop
Etonic Stabilites Dress wearer.

Montreal, Quebec.
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
LaSalle, Quebec-Located inside Pont Mercier Lanes.
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I was going to post about a small batch I received but I figured it wasn't worth it on here.  Plus I wouldn't want to upset Bigmike, he doesn't like that complaining stuff ya know.  Anyways, you too aren't alone in the batch you received.  I had 3 halfweights come in, which is really no big deal, and one ball had ripples(the coverstock felt wavy all the way around, and it was soft enough for my to indent my fingernail in.  And it was a plastic T-Zone 12lb 8oz) that we had to send back to the distributor.  

How does equipment like that get out of the factory as 1sts in the first place?  Back when columbia and ebonite had huge lots of blems, they'd be awesome specs, but anything over 5-6oz in weight(12.6, 15.8, 14.10) were considered 2nds and discounted drastically.  Was this just a case of meeting a promised demand deadline  while sacrificing the small stuff along the way?

And also how do all of the private label Quantums, Morich, and Overseas balls get poured in weeks and sent out while Grooves and Viz-A-Balls are getting more and more rare?  Or is there a production hold up on the overseas front too?
-DJ Marshall
...The Twelve In a Row Pro Shop


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better question, do they pass the durometer test.
it would be a shame if a Brunswick pro staffer was DQ'd for that.
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Having the same problem here in Ontario as well Tim. Getting 13lbs. 11ozs, 10lbs.'s getting ridiculous. Also, on a lot of our T-Zones the pins (on the opposite side of the ball-->opposite the serial number) are not anywhere close to being flat to the ball. I drilled up a few of them today and it's crazy how high they are.

The Bowlers Edge 2

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How does equipment like that get out of the factory as 1sts in the first place?  Back when columbia and ebonite had huge lots of blems, they'd be awesome specs, but anything over 5-6oz in weight(12.6, 15.8, 14.10) were considered 2nds and discounted drastically.  Was this just a case of meeting a promised demand deadline  while sacrificing the small stuff along the way?
 while Grooves and Viz-A-Balls are getting more and more rare?  Or is there a production hold up on the overseas front too?
-DJ Marshall
...The Twelve In a Row Pro Shop

Told from an un named rep from an un named ball company "when demand is high, there are no 2nds"
people (shops) are happy to get somthing close to what they order when the wait is forever, it took me 7 months to get a miller high life ball for a customer, and another 6 to get a leopard ball. its now been 7 or 8 and i still can't get a black and white spiral. NO WAY a ball company hurting to get stuff would would turn these into 2nds when they are pulling in 1st's money!

The Bowler's Edge Pro Shop


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Looks like Brunswick is having a few problems, then, doesnt it?

I wonder when someone will try to clear the air of these problems.  This just seems way to sad for no one to try to stop.

It's legit issues like this where it seems the ball reps. keep their distance from.  Almost like they're waiting for a public statement from the top of the chain at Brunswick.
"A word to the wise ain't necessary -- it's the stupid ones that need the advice."  Bill Cosby
"Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."


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Well since i am the original poster to this( other than DP3) i figured after reading the replies i should say something.

I haven't been contacted by brunswick to remove this post. I have no intention to remove it. There are serious and legit issues here. They don't seem small scale. I have no personal problems with brunswick moving to mexico. I have a problem with shoddy product period.

My suggestions to brunswick are the following:

Make a quality assurance promise to your customers. Follow it, and review complaints to see where trouble spots are coming up.

Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
LaSalle, Quebec
Located inside Pont Mercier Lanes.
Edmonton, Alberta.
Located inside Ed's Rec Room.(WEST ED MALL)

Roto-Grip Star Proshops
Storm VIP Shop
Etonic Stabilites Dress wearer.

Montreal, Quebec.
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
LaSalle, Quebec-Located inside Pont Mercier Lanes.
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I would love to try a Morich or Brunswick, but I guess I wont with them both being made outside of the USA, and their quality issues.
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I would love to try a Morich or Brunswick, but I guess I wont with them both being made outside of the USA, and their quality issues.

That's the funny thing, even when Brunswick was having issues with coverstock finishes that looked like someone polished over 100 grit sandpaper, MoRich equipment looked fine.
"A word to the wise ain't necessary -- it's the stupid ones that need the advice."  Bill Cosby
"Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."


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I agree with Sean. There has been more than enough time to correct QC issues since the move to Mexico. No more purchases from Big B until the issues are resolved. Sorry. *sigh*

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My personal experience with Mexican Brunswick.

Mo-Rich Awesome Revs-sold as first quality.Only flaw was 3 cg marks one of which was correct.Great ball.

Brunswick Power Groove-sold as first quality.Strange coloration.The silver and purple do not blend like you would expect from liquids.The purple appears as if it were spray painted into the mold and then the silver was poured in.Top weight mismarked to my benefit.Great ball.

Quantum King Quantum-Heavily discounted.Logos were way off and top weight and cg were mismarked to my benefit.Marked as 1" pin and 2.3 top was actually 3" pin and 3.5 top.Great ball.Note this is a overseas ball and is stamped  Made in Mexico.The others only have place of origon on the box.

I do not pay retail for my equipment and my driller checks all specs before layout so these imperfections do not bother me.I do believe Brunswick is operating under a very loose interpretation of first quality.The flaws are not large enough to drive me away at this point but if I were paying full retail the Mo-Rich is the only ball that I feel would have passed as first quality.

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Anyone notice nothing from any of the Bruns people?

wonder if there is a meeting taking place in a dark conference room right now.
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
LaSalle, Quebec
Located inside Pont Mercier Lanes.
Edmonton, Alberta.
Located inside Ed's Rec Room.(WEST ED MALL)

Roto-Grip Star Proshops
Storm VIP Shop
Etonic Stabilites Dress wearer.

Montreal, Quebec.
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
LaSalle, Quebec-Located inside Pont Mercier Lanes.
Keep them honest!

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Where is Brunsnick and Hamlin now???

Ric is busy drilling out bad pins and Nick is delivering the balls......quarter mile at a time!

I don't need a stupid
signature. This is enough.

Joe Jr

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Anyone notice nothing from any of the Bruns people?

wonder if there is a meeting taking place in a dark conference room right now.
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
LaSalle, Quebec
Located inside Pont Mercier Lanes.
Edmonton, Alberta.
Located inside Ed's Rec Room.(WEST ED MALL)

Roto-Grip Star Proshops
Storm VIP Shop
Etonic Stabilites Dress wearer.

Montreal, Quebec.

They've posted outside of this section resently.
My Vid
Formerly Brunswick Lefty & Richard Cranium

Quote from Conspirator300:
And yeah, I do know it all.. I don't spend 30+ hours a week learning more about bowling for my heatlh... I do it so I know more than all of you.. which I do. (besides the random few that are staffers/work in the bowling business.. which that population is decreasing little by little)


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Chuck Gardner from Brunswick was a guest on the first part of the recent Let's Go Bowling Show that features Mark Baker.  He made sure not to mention that their new state of the art, super-duper, technologically advanced plant is in Mexico, nor did he address any quality issues.  He did say they're "almost where they want to be" or something to that effect, and kept stressing how much more "creative" the new plant allows them to be.  Whatever that means.  They have a new bal out with the Fury core, but no name for it yet.  I suggest it be called the Brunswick "Free Trade Zone" or the Brunswick H.O.  As in "hecho en Mexico."
Thanks to for the Bowler's Handbooks and Lane # 1 for the balls this year at the Gathering.
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