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Author Topic: So DP3 got flamed. Now if you want to do that do it somewhere else. I have a real quality control Q.  (Read 9214 times)


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Ok, so after Tzones finally arriving after BOs like no body's biz i got about 20 of them in stock.

one box of 10lbs were all under weight more or less they were 9lbs 12oz to 9 lbs 14oz.

This is normal i know. it happens occasionally but the entire batch was like this.

I have some 12lbs that are 12lbs 8oz in the navy gold pearl tzone.

That is the issue that is immediately visable before the balls even exit the box. Secondly;

They are coming out with flat spots. I know polyester balls don't cure the same way compared to a resin of any type, but i haven't seen this from any other manufactuer. Including the Made in China White Dots.

Also they are getting ring marks on them very easily. We had some Tzones sit on a ring for 6 hours and they had a reasonabley deep impression from the ring. We use these rings for all our balls and only do the Tzones have the problem.

I am not a crack nut or wack job. I am not out to bash mexican works, or forgien made products. But brunswick's lack of attention to quality serious blows.

I'm going to return the next brunswick product that comes in with any of these flaws. I rather sit on BO with product then get rushed poor quality product.

12lbs 8oz? 9lbs 12oz? WTH!?

I know there are regional reps on here, but i have contacted them in the past and they don't have control over the processes in mexico.

does anyone know if there is a complaints and compiments email for brunswick?

Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
LaSalle, Quebec
Located inside Pont Mercier Lanes.
Edmonton, Alberta.
Located inside Ed's Rec Room.(WEST ED MALL)

Roto-Grip Star Proshops
Storm VIP Shop
Etonic Stabilites Dress wearer.

Montreal, Quebec.
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
LaSalle, Quebec-Located inside Pont Mercier Lanes.
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Chuck Gardner from Brunswick was a guest on the first part of the recent Let's Go Bowling Show that features Mark Baker.  He made sure not to mention that their new state of the art, super-duper, technologically advanced plant is in Mexico, nor did he address any quality issues.  He did say they're "almost where they want to be" or something to that effect, and kept stressing how much more "creative" the new plant allows them to be.  Whatever that means.  They have a new bal out with the Fury core, but no name for it yet.  I suggest it be called the Brunswick "Free Trade Zone" or the Brunswick H.O.  As in "hecho en Mexico."
Thanks to for the Bowler's Handbooks and Lane # 1 for the balls this year at the Gathering.
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if your workers dont care then all of the creativity in the world wont save you.  the company i work for has a plant in mexico as well and if we dont have people down there from up here, we get crap, because they either  A) dont care, or B)dont comprehend quality.  from what I have seen it is just about numbers down there


F.O.S Loud, F.O.S. Proud

Lane #1 Baby


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I would love to see a video or photos of the so called new high tech plant, i know of a major distributor that went to michigan and to mexico. He states that mexico is not even close to being as advanced as michigan, of course this is second hand so take it for what is worth nothing.

I have never seen a photo's of the new plant, but i hear from this distributor that it is much more hands on than they want you to think it is.


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This might explain why My Power Groove Dry/R has a whole bunch of little gouges on it.  We thought maybe that's how they were suppost to be made.


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My Power Groove Dry/R has a whole bunch of little gouges on it.

Maybe those are the power grooves?  Someone at the Mexican plant could read English?


I am the SGT Schultz of bowling.
"I know nothing! I see nothing! NOTHING!"

Before you ask - Please check this:  BR FAQ
Six decades of league bowling and still learning.

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Of course you wouldn't have problems with Brunswick firing their workers and moving down to Mexico to pay crap wages without passing the savings down to the're a Canadian.

Wow.  Just wow.  Are you that narrow minded that you think the US is the only country that loses jobs to lower wage countries?  Good lord.

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It's kind of funny how when someone has pleasent news about a Brunswick product, there's always a rep or two coming on immediately to bask in the glory.  When there's a problem, not a peep.

CG matters!

Maybe that will wake them up.  
Telling it like it is.


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It's kind of funny how when someone has pleasent news about a Brunswick product, there's always a rep or two coming on immediately to bask in the glory.  When there's a problem, not a peep.

CG matters!

Maybe that will wake them up.  
Telling it like it is.

now that was funny


F.O.S Loud, F.O.S. Proud

Lane #1 Baby


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Maybe the reason that Bruswick thinks CG don't matter is because the new factory can't find or mark the CG correctly ?


When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

Robo-Arm bowlers SUCK...


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Maybe the reason that Bruswick thinks CG don't matter is because the new factory can't find or mark the CG correctly ?

The CG was correct.We just had to figure out which one it was.But,as you know,it really didn't matter which one we chose.
It's all about the X  


Joe Jr

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I can't believe somebody from Big B hasn't been on here to say SOMETHING about this.
Real bowlers whiff the 3-10 by putting the ball between the two!

Questions about RICO?

I agree, they seem to be avoiding this thread like the plague.
My Vid
Formerly Brunswick Lefty & Richard Cranium

Quote from Conspirator300:
And yeah, I do know it all.. I don't spend 30+ hours a week learning more about bowling for my heatlh... I do it so I know more than all of you.. which I do. (besides the random few that are staffers/work in the bowling business.. which that population is decreasing little by little)


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I agree, they seem to be avoiding this thread like the plague.

Why would they post in this thread?  It seems that everyone opinion has already been formed and the bandwagoneers have hitched up as well.  

Ric, being a regional rep, probably wouldn't have any detailed information regarding the quality of product or the lack thereof from Brunswicks Mexico plant.  And neither would Nick.
The bowler formerly known as BrunsRod.
Solid 7 Pin??  299 Game??!! WTF


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Why would they post in this thread?  It seems that everyone opinion has already been formed and the bandwagoneers have hitched up as well.  

Ric, being a regional rep, probably wouldn't have any detailed information regarding the quality of product or the lack thereof from Brunswicks Mexico plant.  And neither would Nick.
The bowler formerly known as BrunsRod.
Solid 7 Pin??  299 Game??!! WTF

I think it's just the opposite.  If you are a rep for the company, people are likely calling you up when they open up their boxes and see a ball fresh from shoddy production.  I would want first hand knowledge from the plant so I can give my customers the correct info, rather than them searching places like here for answers.
Dan Chambers


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Heard this info through the grapevine.  Take it with a grain of salt if you wish...

A major problem they're having in Mexico is employee turnaround.  It's hard to see a steady increase in product quality when they have to keep re-training new hires.
"A word to the wise ain't necessary -- it's the stupid ones that need the advice."  Bill Cosby
"Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."

Joe Jr

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I agree, they seem to be avoiding this thread like the plague.

Why would they post in this thread?  It seems that everyone opinion has already been formed and the bandwagoneers have hitched up as well.  

Ric, being a regional rep, probably wouldn't have any detailed information regarding the quality of product or the lack thereof from Brunswicks Mexico plant.  And neither would Nick.
The bowler formerly known as BrunsRod.
Solid 7 Pin??  299 Game??!! WTF

Why? Don't you think the representatives of the company should address the MAJOR problems presented here? Brunswick's reputation is in serious trouble and the people hired to make it look good are nowhere to be found. Even if they just acknowledged these are problems and they’re being addressed, it would be better then nothing.

You can't ignore your customers, because without them they’d be out of business.
My Vid
Formerly Brunswick Lefty & Richard Cranium

Quote from Conspirator300:
And yeah, I do know it all.. I don't spend 30+ hours a week learning more about bowling for my heatlh... I do it so I know more than all of you.. which I do. (besides the random few that are staffers/work in the bowling business.. which that population is decreasing little by little)


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Why? Don't you think the representatives of the company should address the MAJOR problems presented here? Brunswick's reputation is in serious trouble and the people hired to make it look good are nowhere to be found. Even if they just acknowledged these are problems and they’re being addressed, it would be better then nothing.

You can't ignore your customers, because without them they’d be out of business.

You assume too much.  As stated, many opinions have already been formed regarding their Brunswicks quality.  IMO, there's nothing Ric or Nick could/would say that will change that because everyone would nitpick their responses to death and we'd end up with 10 pages of mindless banter.

The bowler formerly known as BrunsRod.
Solid 7 Pin??  299 Game??!! WTF