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Author Topic: So DP3 got flamed. Now if you want to do that do it somewhere else. I have a real quality control Q.  (Read 9220 times)


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Ok, so after Tzones finally arriving after BOs like no body's biz i got about 20 of them in stock.

one box of 10lbs were all under weight more or less they were 9lbs 12oz to 9 lbs 14oz.

This is normal i know. it happens occasionally but the entire batch was like this.

I have some 12lbs that are 12lbs 8oz in the navy gold pearl tzone.

That is the issue that is immediately visable before the balls even exit the box. Secondly;

They are coming out with flat spots. I know polyester balls don't cure the same way compared to a resin of any type, but i haven't seen this from any other manufactuer. Including the Made in China White Dots.

Also they are getting ring marks on them very easily. We had some Tzones sit on a ring for 6 hours and they had a reasonabley deep impression from the ring. We use these rings for all our balls and only do the Tzones have the problem.

I am not a crack nut or wack job. I am not out to bash mexican works, or forgien made products. But brunswick's lack of attention to quality serious blows.

I'm going to return the next brunswick product that comes in with any of these flaws. I rather sit on BO with product then get rushed poor quality product.

12lbs 8oz? 9lbs 12oz? WTH!?

I know there are regional reps on here, but i have contacted them in the past and they don't have control over the processes in mexico.

does anyone know if there is a complaints and compiments email for brunswick?

Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
LaSalle, Quebec
Located inside Pont Mercier Lanes.
Edmonton, Alberta.
Located inside Ed's Rec Room.(WEST ED MALL)

Roto-Grip Star Proshops
Storm VIP Shop
Etonic Stabilites Dress wearer.

Montreal, Quebec.
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
LaSalle, Quebec-Located inside Pont Mercier Lanes.
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I just went to the distributor this morning and they inspect some T-Zone with me together, and I cannot find a single problem, I know there must have some bad ones out there, just dont seem as bad of a situation, and we can return them anytime if we see a bad one.



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I contacted Frank M, a few weeks ago on a subject unrelated to quality, but to back order/delayed delivery of product and he was misinformed.

Also secondly RIC. These forums are not just bowlers, many of them are proshop operators and owners. They have issues like mine, and i would rather share them with each other than constantly call a rep at any problem. To know that its not an isolated incident is concerning.

"It is not that we are ignoring this post, it's just that there is no answer that will suffice the issues that are questioned on here."

Someone has to face the fire. If it not be regional reps then put me in contact with the head of QC. Your just a salesman i know that. It's not your fault. But your the ones(sales reps) we are supposed to contact with common issues. It draws to ask the question when did these sort of quality problems become common?

To say there is no answer good enough, to the public that often will yes jump on a bandwagon is true.It's difficult to construct an effective answer to a public that always will act like an angry crowd of romans. They are looking for blood, because there pearl fury hooks too soon. For 'unimportant' questions and problems like that, yes i know it gets frustrating to answer the same question time and time again to an uneducated public.

( 'unimportant'yea it's important but not to these people. Go ask your proshop operator to help you.)

I'm here because i want a truthful answer. If there is a real problem, details about what it is and how and when it will be addressed by would be helpful. Of course it's not for public information, and posting it on a board is not helpful. What is top secret or confidential should remain that.

But, and this is a big but; Having to deal with one ball that is got poor specs or QC is one thing. It's no big deal. But to have it occur constantly doesn't seem to be a hiccup. It seems to be a new lower level of standards.

If this is how the product will continue to come out, then fine. That's how it is.

"If any of you have issues and are in a pro shop, you need to either contact your distributor or your local Brunswick rep. Posting on here is not the best nor quickest way to see or get a response."

Last time i checked this is where most smaller proshops share ideas. I still have only met Frank at trade shows once a year. Never once got a sales visit from him. So am i to wait an entire year to wait until i can ask him questions? If they come up this frequently i'd have to write him a small novel. I am in my shop 12 hours a day sometimes and then get home late. My head is running with ideas or something that happened that day and wish to write about it here at 3 am, because after all the sugar and caffeine has worn out i am thinking more clearly.

I've contacted distributors about issues, and they suggest to be patient or switch to another product.Why should i have to wait 3 months for wizards from every distributor in my region?

BrunsRic....Stop worrying about being flamed by the guy that buys 4 balls a year. Worry about the ones that buy 200+.

you've offically been flamed by an irritated proshop operator.

And i will lock this topic from here on in. Until i receive a customer service call from someone at brunswick, it will remain off my shelves.

It is not that we are ignoring this post, it's just that there is no answer that will suffice the issues that are questioned on here. And to say we are ignoring our customers is BS. Our customers, the ones that either contact us or are in contact with us directly, receive detailed answers or responses to their questions or issues. Posting on a forum or in a thread is futile and pointless. We know there are quality issues and we are working on any and all QC issues, no matter how miniscule. If any of you have issues and are in a pro shop, you need to either contact your distributor or your local Brunswick rep. Posting on here is not the best nor quickest way to see or get a response.
Ric Hamlin
Pacific Northwest Product Specialist
Brunswick Bowling

AKA "Rico" and L.I.M.O.M.

Edited on 10/16/2007 9:22 PM

Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
LaSalle, Quebec
Located inside Pont Mercier Lanes.
Edmonton, Alberta.
Located inside Ed's Rec Room.(WEST ED MALL)

Roto-Grip Star Proshops
Storm VIP Shop
Etonic Stabilites Dress wearer.

Montreal, Quebec.
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
LaSalle, Quebec-Located inside Pont Mercier Lanes.
Keep them honest!

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