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Author Topic: So why IS everyone loving Brunswick so much?  (Read 5054 times)


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So why IS everyone loving Brunswick so much?
« on: March 10, 2005, 10:10:04 AM »
I know I know, I am another one of those people, but why does everyone else like them so much? Me personally, I know I could find balls that do the same thing as the Brunswick ones I have, I just like them. They match up. It seems though, that everyone on here is going crazy over Brunswick since "The Nation" has been started. Do you have a real reason to love Brunswick so much? I like them because they have everything that I need.
¡Viva la nación de Brunswick!

Nothing more to be said.



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Re: So why IS everyone loving Brunswick so much?
« Reply #16 on: March 10, 2005, 10:49:19 PM »
Baker won the masters at the end of the year with an inferno, i think the oil has a very little bit to do with it.  But not much.
AIM = y2moe99


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Re: So why IS everyone loving Brunswick so much?
« Reply #17 on: March 11, 2005, 10:15:14 AM »
I have thrown Brunswick since I was 14 years old and have never had a thought about changing.  I am like Rain Man and his under wear...  If it ain't Brunswick don't want it in my hands.  I am now an addict to these things and will never drop my addiction.  Every company has a ball that will do what a Brunswick ball will do but If there is Big B on the ball then it means nothing to me.

Coverstocks are awesome and you know what the names of each and every ball all kick butt as well.  Monster and Infernos what a great way to liven up a bag.

"DO or DO NOT. There is no 'Try'" Yoda


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Re: So why IS everyone loving Brunswick so much?
« Reply #18 on: March 11, 2005, 11:22:56 AM »
i've used nothing but brunswick since 1995 and their equipment has always seemed to match up for me. as good as the powrkoil 18 coverstock was( and is )the activator coverstock is even better. over the years the best players used brunswick:

1930's & 1940's:  ned day and andy varipapa
1950's & early 1960's:   don carter
1960's & 1970's:   dave soutar, dave davis, johnny petraglia, billy hardwick
1970's & 1980's:   mark roth, mike aulby
1990's: mike aulby, parker bohn III, walter ray willimas, jr.
2000"s:   parker bohn III, brad angelo, mika

my entire arsenal is brunswick and always has been. i can't see a reason to buy equipment fronm another company. the equipment is great....the customer service is great....what else can you say ?


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Re: So why IS everyone loving Brunswick so much?
« Reply #19 on: March 11, 2005, 12:42:18 PM »
The new Ruff Buff process is going to change the way everyone preps coverstocks on all makes of bowling balls.