Yesterday I received a case of Danger Zone remakes and noticed something about them that caught my eye... There is a hint of pearl in the shell!!! And also, the white logos have a blueish tint to them... Anyway, I drill one up for a friend, and the freaking thing TAKES OFF! It HOOOOKS. The last batch of DZ's I got were mellow, but not these.
Soooo, I drilled one.

Then my buddy calls me and says "Hey dude, I have a Rhino Pro for you, I'll be by in a while" and hangs up without telling me which one. Turns out, its the Rhino Pro Forest Green NIB 15lb. I looked it up, it says its urethane on However, by the serial #, the ball was made around 1997.
Great day!
Nick Smith ... A.K.A. Les Badderâ„¢
Brunswick -=- PBA 03-06¡Viva la nación de Brunswick!