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Author Topic: Stike Zone moving less than Inferno  (Read 2124 times)


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Stike Zone moving less than Inferno
« on: November 07, 2005, 01:48:05 PM »
Hey guys, just drilled up a new Strike Zone and I am a little suprised.  I have been throwing the OI for quite a while now and I expected more turn out of the SZ.

There is some difference in how the balls are drilled, both are OOB surface. OI is 4.5 at 12:00.  The SZ is 5.5 at 10:30, with flare increasing hole.  

Threw them both on the typical house shot tonight - which is typically medium oil.  The Inferno just plain outhooked the SZ and finished stronger.  When I threw the SZ to the same place (15 out to 8) it just didn't come back.

Does the SZ really need heavy oil to work? Wouldn't it hook more on meduim oil? Or is the drilling that much more tame?

Any ideas?




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Re: Stike Zone moving less than Inferno
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2005, 09:49:17 PM »
It's probably too strong for the conditions.  Try polishing it and see what happens.
- Andy


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Re: Stike Zone moving less than Inferno
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2005, 10:18:16 PM »
Andy probably nailed it.

Does the SZ really need heavy oil to work? Wouldn't it hook more on medium oil? Or is the drilling that much more tame?

You kind of answered your own question.  If a ball is too strong for the conditions, like the Strike Zone on medium oil, it will burn up and roll out prematurely.  Therefore, it will normally hook less.  If you threw them both on heavy oil, the Original would skate it's way down the lane and hook very little, and the Strike Zone would shine.

Either save the Strike Zone for those opportunities where you see heavy oil, or sand it finer (800-1000 grit) and apply some polish.
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Re: Stike Zone moving less than Inferno
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2005, 05:08:43 AM »
As the others have implied, remember that these balls are complementary. They are not intended to work on the same oil pattern. There might be, should be a very small overlap, but for the most part when the lanes are dry enough (medium-light to medium oil) for the original Inferno), they are too dry for the Strike Zone. When there's enough oil for the Strike Zone (medium+ to medium-heavy oil), the OI will skid 55+ feet and be ineffective. There are your keys for one versus the other.

I would not alter the cover of the Strike Zone, unless you already have another ball for that condition or you have your own spinenr and can change surfaces easily and quickly. If your OI is wearing out, replace it with an Absolute or another equivalent ball.
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Re: Stike Zone moving less than Inferno
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2005, 08:53:14 AM »
Thanks guys. I just have a mental hangup expecting the oil ball to hook like crazy on the drier conditions.  Guess the physics just do not work that way.

A little reassurance after $200 was helpfull.  Guess I will just wait for the soup to pull out the strike zone.


Edited on 11/8/2005 9:45 AM


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Re: Stike Zone moving less than Inferno
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2005, 02:41:21 PM »
I am so glad I am not in that pro shop business.

A ball that costs 120 off the web plus ship plus drill and inserts.

If a pro shop makes $30 off a ball people get mad...

These guys drill what 4 or 5 balls a day and then pay rent and utilities.

Good way to starve!


Proud owner of a 140 first game average this year!  Don't bowl me the second two games though!  (two warm up balls in league..thanks proprietors)
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Re: Stike Zone moving less than Inferno
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2005, 03:28:49 PM »
I felt the 200$ was a fair price - for a ball that worked as advertised.I was just questioning whether it did what is was supposed to do. I also think that supporting local pro-shops is good for the game, even if it costs me 20$ over internet ship plus drill.  

At 120$ off the internet for the same ball it is tempting to start drilling my own. But I'm guessing some where in the 12-15 ball range to break even on the equipment at 80$ per ball.