There are so many factors that come into play here...
As far as pin to pap distance goes, if you are able to get a reaction out of the strike king, which has much lower flare potential, with what appears to be a similar pin to pap distance, I wouldn't be too concerned about that.
I think the biggest issue coming into play here are a multitude of layout and surface prep that induce earlier roll with less backend. Start by looking at the drill angle, which was probably rather large before the low hole was punched. That low hole pulled the PSA towards your VAL, creating a stronger drill angle, which means a faster 1st transition (shorter skid phase). In addition to that, you have a rather large val angle which creates a slower second transition (longer hook phase). Combine those two factors with a fairly aggressive surface prep, and you end up with exactly what you are describing.
You take those factors and compare those to your roll characteristics, which haven't been explored yet, and you can really get into an undesirable motion. Say you are a lower tilt/lower rotation bowler with a below average rev rate...that will definitely not be a layout to open the lane up with. It will be ideal playing more parallel with the lane as it will give you very little recovery.
A good test is to put a piece of tape on your pap and watch it migrate. If the tape does a tight lazy wobble around your pap all the way down the lane, then you will easily know the ball is never really transitioning. If the tape gets into a wild wobble very quickly, then you will know its picking up too soon, and can possibly look at options like bringing the surface back up and/or plugging the weight hole.