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Author Topic: Strike sone or Vapor Zone  (Read 2572 times)


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Strike sone or Vapor Zone
« on: March 27, 2006, 09:58:57 PM »
I looked at some reviews and am leaning more towards the strike zone but figured it wouldn't hurt to ask.  I am bowling a 2 ball challenge scratch league this summer.  Everyone gets 2 balls, an ambush and a Strike zone or vapor zone and the league uses the sport shot.  I bowled it last year and finished 9th with the absolute and power groove.  The only problem I usually have at this house is carrying teh back row, especially ten pins.  The lanes are synthetic and there usually is a shot out there.  I want to know what ball would be more predictable and would send the pins flying harder.  I don't want one to be hitign weak.
Thanks, James



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Re: Strike sone or Vapor Zone
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2006, 06:05:23 AM »
I haven't thrown a VZ yet, but have a Strike Zone. That balls a beast and the surface can be changed for whatever you want. Massive backend and great carry.
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Re: Strike sone or Vapor Zone
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2006, 10:12:23 AM »
My SZ is drilled leverage, cg stacked.

I have had awesome luck with my Strike Zone carrying the back row.  I usually only have problems with a 9 or 10 pin when the oil is gone and the ball starts burning up.  That's when it goes back to the bag in favor of something more suited to medium conditions.

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Re: Strike sone or Vapor Zone
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2006, 10:58:04 AM »
That's a tough choice, but one of them MUST be the Ambush.  You might not even use the Strike or the Vapor if you pick it.  The Strike will be smoother and keep the pins lower, but will hook quite a bit.  The Vapor might be too close the Ambush depending on how you drill them, but the Vapor will be quite a bit stronger on the backend.  The Vapor is essentially a lot sharper Absolute.  It doesn't seem to be over/under though.  Revs up nicely and isn't TOO snappy.  The Vapor and Strike might be a great combo, but if you get into some rough track burn, the Ambush would be the ball to keep things smooth and keep you in the pocket.  Tough choice between the Vapor and Strike, but like I said, one of them has to be the Ambush, it's a no brainer.
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Re: Strike sone or Vapor Zone
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2006, 05:02:52 PM »
I own all three of these balls (actually have 2 OOB--pin over ring with cg kicked out a couple inches and the other dulled with a green scotch brite--pin under ring). I shot 300 with the OOB Ambush last month during the 3rd game in a scratch league where the outside track area gets burned up pretty quickly. My take is that the Strike Zone is going to be much more limited if left in oob condition. It's a strong ball and needs a decent amount of head oil. It's not given to playing a big swing shot but likes a tighter trajectory. The Vapor Zone, thanks to its pearlized cover stock, is much more versatile. It can be played straight up the boards when there's a good volume of oil and fresh back ends, or, swung out from 30 to 5 if need be. It's claim to fame is the great midlane read and powerful roll it gets into. Obviously, for heavier volumes of oil the SZ would be my choice, but if I had to chose between only using a VZ or SZ the VZ would get the nod.

As for the Ambush it's an amazing ball that will surprise you as it can handle everything from moderate oil to moderately dry. It clears the heads effortlessly and makes a very smooth controlled arc to the pocket. It has excellent hitting power carrying half pocket and light hits with no problem. You may find yourself "feathering" your releae a bit to get the Ambush to turn over.... it has that good of a skid reaction through the heads. I favor it when carry down destroys the track area creating an extended out of bounds area. The Ambush seems to ignore this and methodically arcs it's way back into the pocket.

Last night in another scratch league I bowl in (4 games) I used the VZ for the first 2 games shooting 234 and 248. In the 3rd game carry down and transitioning got the better of me and I struggled for an even deuce. In the 4th game I pulled out the Ambush (oob finish) played an inside line and shot 258.

You may suffer with the VZ if the lanes are flooded, but overall I think it's the better choice for covering a myriad of conditions than the SZ (Based on OOB COVERSTOCK).

Just my 2 cents.


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Re: Strike sone or Vapor Zone
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2006, 05:10:07 PM »
not to be nosy but how much do you pay a week for this leauge? Would love it if there was such a league in these parts.


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Re: Strike sone or Vapor Zone
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2006, 09:31:35 PM »
It is $25 a week for the summer but that includes the price of the balls, league fees and awards at the end.  I took $170 at the end last year finishing 9th.  First gets $1500.  I don't plan on winning though.  It was a fun league last year though.  I have to take the ambush so I will have to use it if I like it or not.  The only concern is still between the strike zone and vapor zone.  I am confused now.  Many people on here like the vapor zone batter but when I was looking at the reviews it seemed like the strike qone was more favorable.  The ball I am currently throwing now is an Ultimate inferno and I love the way it reacts and hits hard.  I an more cautious about the pearl balls now since I bought the rampage.  It wasn't to predictable so I gave it to my brother.  Many have had good luck with that ball though.  Keep posting and thanks for the posts so far.


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Re: Strike sone or Vapor Zone
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2006, 03:10:54 PM »
I think I will probably stick to the strike zone.  I have heard it was similar in reacting to the ultimate.  I am not really worried about what balls I will be using next season because I will most likely be carrying only 2 with me.  I am not much of a ball changer.  I usually throw the ultimate now and go to the power groove if I am hooking too much.  I got the absloute and power groove last summer in the league.  Thanks for all of the replyes.  I feel more comfortable going with the strike zone since it seems more predictable and might roll better for me.